update content throws exception The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
i'm trying to update content programmaticly in Umbraco 5.01 but i get the folowing exceptions when hive trys to flush the data to the database :
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "U5_FK_Attribute_AttributeLongStringValues". The conflict occurred in database "umbSchouwburgAmstelveen_umb5", table "dbo.Attribute", column 'Id'. The statement has been terminated.
The werd part is that i use simmeler code in a nother project where i don't have the problem. ther the document type is less complex tho.
here is my code:
protected virtual void AddOrUpdate(IEnumerable<TType> items, string parentId, RevisionStatusType revisionStatus) { var documentType = DocumentType; using(var writer = Context.Hive.OpenWriter<IContentStore>()) { var contentRepository = new List<ContentEditorModel>(); foreach (var item in items) { ContentEditorModel model = null; if (item.ID != null)// && writer.Repositories.Exists<TypedEntity>(new HiveId(item.ID))) { var entity = writer.Repositories.Revisions.GetLatestSnapshot<TypedEntity>(new HiveId(item.ID)); entity.Revision.Item.EntitySchema = writer.Repositories.Schemas.GetComposite<EntitySchema>(entity.Revision.Item.EntitySchema.Id); model = Context.FrameworkContext.TypeMappers .Map<EntitySnapshot<TypedEntity>, ContentEditorModel>(entity); } else { model = new ContentEditorModel(); model.DocumentTypeAlias = DocumentTypeAlias; model.DocumentTypeId = documentType.Id; model.DocumentTypeName = documentType.Name; model.Id = new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()); if (documentType.DefaultTemplateId != null) { SetProperty(model, SelectedTemplateAttributeDefinition.AliasValue, new Dictionary<string, object>() { {"TemplateId", DocumentType.DefaultTemplateId.ToString()} }); } } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentId)) model.ParentId = new HiveId(parentId); UpdateContent(model, item); contentRepository.Add(model); item.ID = model.Id.ToString(); } //map model with Revision<TypedEntity> var mappedCollection = Context.FrameworkContext.TypeMappers.Map <IEnumerable<ContentEditorModel>, IEnumerable<Revision<TypedEntity>>>(contentRepository); if(revisionStatus != null) mappedCollection.ForEach(x => x.MetaData.StatusType = revisionStatus); //add or update model writer.Repositories.Revisions.AddOrUpdate(mappedCollection); writer.Complete();
protected void SetProperty(ContentEditorModel model, string propertyAlias, object propertyValue)
propertyValue = propertyValue ?? new Dictionary<string, object>();
//TODO: fix hack with datetime when bug fixed with datetime in umbraco
if(propertyValue is DateTime && ((DateTime)propertyValue) == DateTime.MinValue)
propertyValue = new DateTime(1900, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
var docTypeProperty = DocumentType.Properties.Single(x => x.Alias == propertyAlias);
//NOTE: If the Umbraco API changes (an extra overload is added to new ContentProperty), this might break
var dictionary = propertyValue as IDictionary<string, object> ?? new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Value", propertyValue } };
var property = model.Properties.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Alias == propertyAlias);
if (property != null)
property = new ContentProperty(docTypeProperty.Id, docTypeProperty, dictionary)
Alias = propertyAlias,
TabId = DocumentType.DefinedTabs.Single(x => x.Alias == FixedGroupDefinitions.GeneralGroup.Alias).Id
I hope any1 can help me with this i have had the problem for some time
update content throws exception The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
i'm trying to update content programmaticly in Umbraco 5.01 but i get the folowing exceptions when hive trys to flush the data to the database :
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "U5_FK_Attribute_AttributeLongStringValues". The conflict occurred in database "umbSchouwburgAmstelveen_umb5", table "dbo.Attribute", column 'Id'.
The statement has been terminated.
The werd part is that i use simmeler code in a nother project where i don't have the problem. ther the document type is less complex tho.
here is my code:
I hope any1 can help me with this i have had the problem for some time
is working on a reply...