Get Distinct List of Child Nodes Based on Properties
Hey there
I have written some code which is almost working how I want it to, but am somewhat stumped onone smallpart.
I have a page on my site with the ability to add a comment. I want to include a checkbox so that commentors can subscribe to receive an email notification when a new comment is posted.
So I am trying to write some code to loop through all comments under the page and build a list of email addresses to send to.
The comment node has the following properties - name (textbox), email (textbox), notify (true/false) and comment (textbox multiple).
My code so far is as follows (triggered via the publish event on the comment document type)
public class emailRecipient { public string name { get; set; } public int id { get; set; } public string email { get; set; } }
public static void sendEmailsToCommentors(Document comment) { Node parent = new Node(comment.Parent.Id); List _commentNodes = parent.AllDescendants().Where(n => n.GetPropertyAsString("receiveNotifications") == "1").ToList();
var distinctEmailNodes = (from loc in _commentNodes select new emailRecipient { email = loc.GetPropertyAsString("email"), id = loc.Id, name = loc.GetPropertyAsString("name") } ).Distinct(); foreach (var n in distinctEmailNodes) { //Send email code goes here }
The above is working and sending emails, however it is not creating a distinct list, rather sending to all nodes where the "notify" property is set to true. Therefore if someone has commented more than once they will get multiple emails.
Whislt I can appreciate why the Distinct() isn't working, I haven't been able to figure out a solution.
Can anyone provide any suggestions? Also feel free to comment on if there is a better alternative way.
I do appreciate there are packages for commenting, however wanted to have a play myself in order to provide a bit of personal development.
Ahh wouldn't ya know it - Google is my friend and i have created a solution immediately after posting my original question...
So I still have the following class
public class emailRecipient { public string name { get; set; } public int id { get; set; } public string email { get; set; } }
But the logic has changed as follows:
public static void sendCommentorNotifications(Document comment) { Node parent = new Node(comment.Parent.Id); var emailNodes = (from loc in parent.AllDescendants() select new emailRecipient { email = loc.GetPropertyAsString("email"), id = loc.Id, name = loc.GetPropertyAsString("name") } );
var distinctItems = emailNodes.Distinct(new DistinctItemComparer());
foreach (var n in distinctItems) { //Send email logic } }
And then as a separate class I have an equality comparer (this bit was the missing piece of the puzzle)
class DistinctItemComparer : IEqualityComparer { public bool Equals(emailRecipient x, emailRecipient y) { return ==; } public int GetHashCode(emailRecipient obj) { return; } }
Get Distinct List of Child Nodes Based on Properties
Hey there
I have written some code which is almost working how I want it to, but am somewhat stumped onone smallpart.
I have a page on my site with the ability to add a comment. I want to include a checkbox so that commentors can subscribe to receive an email notification when a new comment is posted.
So I am trying to write some code to loop through all comments under the page and build a list of email addresses to send to.
The comment node has the following properties - name (textbox), email (textbox), notify (true/false) and comment (textbox multiple).
My code so far is as follows (triggered via the publish event on the comment document type)
The above is working and sending emails, however it is not creating a distinct list, rather sending to all nodes where the "notify" property is set to true. Therefore if someone has commented more than once they will get multiple emails.
Whislt I can appreciate why the Distinct() isn't working, I haven't been able to figure out a solution.
Can anyone provide any suggestions? Also feel free to comment on if there is a better alternative way.
I do appreciate there are packages for commenting, however wanted to have a play myself in order to provide a bit of personal development.
Cheers, Nigel
Ahh wouldn't ya know it - Google is my friend and i have created a solution immediately after posting my original question...
So I still have the following class
But the logic has changed as follows:
And then as a separate class I have an equality comparer (this bit was the missing piece of the puzzle)
Upward and onward
Hi Nigel,
Just tried the following (in a razor script) in v6, and this seems to work too:
The .DistictBy() method is in the Umbraco.Core.EnumerableExtensions (but not sure in which version of Umbraco this was added).
is working on a reply...