But I'm kinda stuck on how to go about doing this without breaking everything. Seems like whenever I make a server-side property editor it overrides EVERYTHING and I get all sorts of weird errors.
Any idea on how I can achieve my goal and if I'm on the right track or not?
Handle files on the server side after you attatch to form with fileManager.addFiles() ?
I want to know how to handle the file collection from the server side after I use fileManager.addFiles() on the .js property editor.
My goal is to upload files as media and attach the IDs as a coma delimited string on the property value.
My source crawling has gotten me to think this should be done like here
and then passed on something like this
But I'm kinda stuck on how to go about doing this without breaking everything. Seems like whenever I make a server-side property editor it overrides EVERYTHING and I get all sorts of weird errors.
Any idea on how I can achieve my goal and if I'm on the right track or not?
is working on a reply...