Hey Shaun (and skiltz), are you sure you want it a SQL script for this? Seriously, get ready to open a can-of-worms!!!
Here's a little something I wrote for a client a year ago...
t.text AS tabName,
d.id AS propertyId,
dbo.cmsMemberType AS mt INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyType AS p ON mt.propertytypeId = p.id INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsDataType AS dt ON p.dataTypeId = dt.nodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsTab AS t ON p.tabId = t.id AND mt.NodeId = t.contenttypeNodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyData AS d ON p.id = d.propertytypeid INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsMember AS m ON m.nodeId = d.contentNodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.umbracoNode AS u ON u.id = m.nodeId
It's a beast of INNER JOINs, not a big fan of using it... but was forced into it by the client and other technical restrictions at the time.
Ideally, I'd recommend that you use the ASP.NET Membership Provider API to retrieve member data ... but I'm also realistic, sometimes you need to go for the raw data - just to get the job done.
Good luck with the SQL script, I can't promise that its going to do what you need it for ... but it's a start.
following on from lee's snippet, slight tweak for later versions (as tab table has gone) and filtering on username
SELECT mt.pk, d.contentNodeId, u.text, m.Email, m.LoginName, mt.propertytypeId, p.Alias, p.Name, p.dataTypeId, dt.dbType, d.id AS propertyId, d.dataInt, d.dataDate, d.dataNvarchar, d.dataNtext, mt.viewOnProfile,
FROM dbo.cmsMemberType AS mt INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyType AS p ON mt.propertytypeId = p.id INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsDataType AS dt ON p.dataTypeId = dt.nodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyData AS d ON p.id = d.propertytypeid INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsMember AS m ON m.nodeId = d.contentNodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.umbracoNode AS u ON u.id = m.nodeId
WHERE (m.LoginName = N'[email protected]')
I extended the SQL snippet a bit, so it also included the content type alias.
SELECT mt.pk, d.contentNodeId, c.Alias, u.text, m.Email, m.LoginName, mt.propertytypeId, p.Alias, p.Name, p.dataTypeId, dt.dbType, d.id AS propertyId, d.dataInt, d.dataDate, d.dataNvarchar, d.dataNtext, mt.viewOnProfile,
FROM dbo.cmsMemberType AS mt INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyType AS p ON mt.propertytypeId = p.id INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsDataType AS dt ON p.dataTypeId = dt.nodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyData AS d ON p.id = d.propertytypeid INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsMember AS m ON m.nodeId = d.contentNodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.umbracoNode AS u ON u.id = m.nodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsContentType AS c ON c.nodeId = mt.NodeId
So I could use this to query for a specific content type (e.g. a member type):
SELECT mt.pk, d.contentNodeId, c.Alias, u.text, m.Email, m.LoginName, mt.propertytypeId, p.Alias, p.Name, p.dataTypeId, dt.dbType, d.id AS propertyId, d.dataInt, d.dataDate, d.dataNvarchar, d.dataNtext, mt.viewOnProfile,
FROM dbo.cmsMemberType AS mt INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyType AS p ON mt.propertytypeId = p.id INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsDataType AS dt ON p.dataTypeId = dt.nodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyData AS d ON p.id = d.propertytypeid INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsMember AS m ON m.nodeId = d.contentNodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.umbracoNode AS u ON u.id = m.nodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsContentType AS c ON c.nodeId = mt.NodeId
WHERE c.Alias = 'employee' AND (p.Alias = 'company' AND d.dataNvarchar IS NULL)
For anyone still looking for this sort of thing, here's a slightly neater one that produces a table of all the properties in a slightly more usable format, I think you'll need SQL Server 2005+ to use it.
SET @cols = STUFF((
(SELECT [Id] FROM dbo.umbracoNode WHERE nodeObjectType = '9b5416fb-e72f-45a9-a07b-5a9a2709ce43') AS mt
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT NodeID, contentType FROM dbo.cmsContent) AS ml ON ml.contentType = mt.id
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsPropertyType AS pt ON pt.contentTypeId = ml.contentType
GROUP BY pt.sortOrder, ',' + QUOTENAME(pt.Name)
ORDER BY pt.sortOrder ASC
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')
set @query = '
' + @cols + '
pt.Name AS MemberFieldName
WHEN dt.DBTYPE = ''Ntext'' THEN CAST(d.[dataNtext] AS NVARCHAR(MAX))
WHEN dt.DBTYPE = ''Nvarchar'' THEN d.dataNvarchar
WHEN dt.DBTYPE = ''Date'' THEN CONVERT(nvarchar, d.[dataDate])
WHEN dt.DBTYPE = ''Integer'' THEN CONVERT(nvarchar, d.[dataInt])
AS MemberData
, m.LoginName
, m.Email
, n.createDate
, g.[Text] AS MemberGroup
(SELECT [Id] FROM dbo.umbracoNode WHERE nodeObjectType = ''9b5416fb-e72f-45a9-a07b-5a9a2709ce43'') AS mt
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT NodeID, contentType FROM dbo.cmsContent) AS ml ON ml.contentType = mt.id
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsPropertyType AS pt ON pt.contentTypeId = ml.contentType
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[cmsDataType] AS dt ON pt.datatypeID = dt.NodeId
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsPropertyData AS d ON d.contentNodeId = ml.NodeID AND d.propertytypeid = pt.id
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsMember AS m ON m.NodeID = ml.NodeID
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsMember2MemberGroup AS xmg ON xmg.Member = m.NodeID
LEFT JOIN dbo.umbracoNode AS g ON g.id = xmg.MemberGroup
LEFT JOIN dbo.umbracoNode AS n ON n.id = m.nodeId
) As src
FOR MemberFieldName in (' + @cols + ')
) aS pvt
ORDER BY LoginName'
I've updated Tim's script above to work with Umbraco 8 - theres a minor change that lets you target a specific member type as opposed to all member types (which creates duplicates columns) so first you need to run this little SQL to get the unique ID eg
select * from dbo.umbracoNode
where nodeObjectType = '9b5416fb-e72f-45a9-a07b-5a9a2709ce43'
Then grab the uniqueID for the Member Type you are interested in. Simply modify the script below with your own unique id. Note that I commented out the member groups because I just wanted one row per member and some of my members are in multiple groups
SET @cols = STUFF((
(SELECT [Id] FROM dbo.umbracoNode WHERE uniqueId = 'A062878F-B37B-4B14-A818-E9E994262F18') AS mt
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT NodeID, contentTypeId FROM dbo.umbracoContent) AS ml ON ml.contentTypeId = mt.id
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsPropertyType AS pt ON pt.contentTypeId = ml.contentTypeId
GROUP BY pt.Name, pt.sortOrder, ',' + QUOTENAME(pt.Name)
ORDER BY pt.Name, pt.sortOrder ASC
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')
set @query = '
' + @cols + '
pt.Name AS MemberFieldName
WHEN dt.DBTYPE = ''Ntext'' THEN CAST(d.[textValue] AS NVARCHAR(MAX))
WHEN dt.DBTYPE = ''Nvarchar'' THEN d.varcharValue
WHEN dt.DBTYPE = ''Date'' THEN CONVERT(nvarchar, d.[dateValue])
WHEN dt.DBTYPE = ''Integer'' THEN CONVERT(nvarchar, d.[intValue])
AS MemberData
, m.nodeId
, m.LoginName
, m.Email
, n.createDate
/*, g.[Text] AS MemberGroup*/
(SELECT [Id] FROM dbo.umbracoNode WHERE uniqueid = ''A062878F-B37B-4B14-A818-E9E994262F18'') AS mt
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT NodeID, contentTypeId FROM dbo.umbracoContent) AS ml ON ml.contentTypeId = mt.id
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsPropertyType AS pt ON pt.contentTypeId = ml.contentTypeId
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[umbracoDataType] AS dt ON pt.datatypeID = dt.NodeId
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsMember AS m ON m.NodeID = ml.NodeID
LEFT JOIN dbo.umbracoContentVersion AS cv ON cv.nodeId = m.nodeId
LEFT JOIN dbo.umbracoPropertyData AS d ON d.versionId = cv.id AND d.propertytypeid = pt.id
LEFT JOIN dbo.cmsMember2MemberGroup AS xmg ON xmg.Member = m.NodeID
LEFT JOIN dbo.umbracoNode AS g ON g.id = xmg.MemberGroup
LEFT JOIN dbo.umbracoNode AS n ON n.id = m.nodeId
) As src
FOR MemberFieldName in (' + @cols + ')
) aS pvt
ORDER BY LoginName'
I made it for Umbraco 8 and can't fetch custom data, you just need to know the type of field. [varcharValue], [intValue] etc and the alias field
/****** Get All members ******/
SELECT TOP (300000)
,[Node].createDate as createDate
,[version].versionDate as UpdateDate
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'firstname') And versionId = [version].id) as FirstName
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'lastname') And versionId = [version].id) as LastName
,m.Email as Email
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'landingCodePhoneNumber') And versionId = [version].id) as LandCode
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'mobileNumber') And versionId = [version].id) as Mobile
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'streetname') And versionId = [version].id) as StreetName
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'streetNumber') And versionId = [version].id) as StreetNumber
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'streetLetter') And versionId = [version].id) as StreetLetter
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'floor') And versionId = [version].id) as [Floor]
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'door') And versionId = [version].id) as Door
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'cOName') And versionId = [version].id) as COName
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'postalCode') And versionId = [version].id) as PostalCode
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'city') And versionId = [version].id) as City
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'country') And versionId = [version].id) as Country
,(SELECT TOP (1) [varcharValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'attetion') And versionId = [version].id) as Attetion
, mg.MemberGroup as GroupId
,(Select [text] from [dbo].[umbracoNode] where id = mg.MemberGroup) as GroupName
,(SELECT TOP (1) [intValue] FROM [dbo].[umbracoPropertyData] where propertyTypeId = (SELECT TOP (1)
pt.id as propertyId
FROM [dbo].[umbracoContent]
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyTypeGroup] as ptg ON [contentTypeId] = ptg.contenttypeNodeId
Inner JOIN [dbo].[cmsPropertyType] as pt On ptg.id = propertyTypeGroupId
where pt.Alias = 'nEWSLETTER') And versionId = [version].id) as Marketing
FROM [dbo].[cmsMember]
Left JOIN [dbo].[cmsMember2MemberGroup] as mg ON [dbo].[cmsMember].nodeId = mg.Member
Left JOIN [dbo].[cmsMember] as m ON [dbo].[cmsMember].nodeId = m.nodeId
Left JOIN [dbo].[umbracoContentVersion] as [version] On [dbo].[cmsMember].nodeId = [version].nodeId
Left JOIN [dbo].[umbracoNode] as [Node] On [dbo].[cmsMember].nodeId = [Node].id
Hello everyone, I have made this, which I have used for Umbraco 11. Adding here if anybody needs it. It will return all the member properties with their values.
SELECT p.Name, p.Alias, d.varcharValue, m.Email, m.LoginName FROM dbo.cmsMemberType AS mt INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsPropertyType AS p ON mt.propertytypeId = p.id INNER JOIN
dbo.umbracoDataType AS dt ON p.dataTypeId = dt.nodeId INNER JOIN
dbo.umbracoPropertyData AS d ON p.id = d.propertytypeid INNER JOIN
dbo.umbracoContentVersion AS ucv on d.versionId = ucv.id INNER JOIN
dbo.cmsMember AS m ON m.nodeId = ucv.nodeId
WHERE ucv.[current] = 1
SQL Script for All Members and their Properties
Does anyone have a SQL script that returns all members and their properties? I need to be able to bind this to a gridview. Thanks!
I too am looking for something like this, can anyone point me in the right direction?
I hope you can get it by using ( just this an rough idea )
SELECT < all The properties what you want>
FROM < The Members table> // where the list of users existing// ;
Here you need not to use WHERE condition as you want to select all members.
For further more SQL questions <l> http://www.wiziq.com/online-tests/11428-sql-quiz-1 ; </l>
aah, that only returns the basic member properties, sorry, I should have said, I'm actually after custom member properties.
Hey Shaun (and skiltz), are you sure you want it a SQL script for this? Seriously, get ready to open a can-of-worms!!!
Here's a little something I wrote for a client a year ago...
It's a beast of INNER JOINs, not a big fan of using it... but was forced into it by the client and other technical restrictions at the time.
Ideally, I'd recommend that you use the ASP.NET Membership Provider API to retrieve member data ... but I'm also realistic, sometimes you need to go for the raw data - just to get the job done.
Good luck with the SQL script, I can't promise that its going to do what you need it for ... but it's a start.
Cheers, Lee.
hehe, cheers Lee. I used something similar in the end.
It was only for a one-off data grab, so the beastliness of it wasn't really an issue for me.
This is what I use.
Thanks Lee - you saved me a lot of tedious work
Can of worms as may be, but it's a very good technique when the client has asked for a list of everyone missing a particular property :o)
Thanks Lee, worked perfectly.
For anyone else using MySQL, just lose the dbo.
following on from lee's snippet, slight tweak for later versions (as tab table has gone) and filtering on username
I extended the SQL snippet a bit, so it also included the content type alias.
So I could use this to query for a specific content type (e.g. a member type):
For anyone still looking for this sort of thing, here's a slightly neater one that produces a table of all the properties in a slightly more usable format, I think you'll need SQL Server 2005+ to use it.
I'll keep the code updated on my blog: http://thesitedoctor.co.uk/blog/export-umbraco-members-as-csvtable/ but here it is if you want it:
thank you Tim
it works perectly
Ah good to hear Nino, you're welcome :)
In the script above from Tim how would you include lastlogindate. Thanks
If you have a LOT of fields in the member record, it doesn't work because they query is longer than what fits in the NVARCHAR(max)
I've updated Tim's script above to work with Umbraco 8 - theres a minor change that lets you target a specific member type as opposed to all member types (which creates duplicates columns) so first you need to run this little SQL to get the unique ID eg
Then grab the uniqueID for the Member Type you are interested in. Simply modify the script below with your own unique id. Note that I commented out the member groups because I just wanted one row per member and some of my members are in multiple groups
Hope this helps somebody :)
Big thanks! great share! I wonder how I could filter out only the approved members (umbracoMemberApproved = 1)
Don't know If any can use this. :)
I made it for Umbraco 8 and can't fetch custom data, you just need to know the type of field. [varcharValue], [intValue] etc and the alias field
Hello everyone, I have made this, which I have used for Umbraco 11. Adding here if anybody needs it. It will return all the member properties with their values.
is working on a reply...