I've been getting odd behaviour from the admin system today, it's been telling me media items don't exist when I try to delete them, if I refresh then they delete fine.
Now it's also failing to see when a member has been logged in or not. I'm wondering if there's something bad in the cache.
I've cleared the application pool and deleted /data/umbraco.config but it isn't creating a new umbraco.config file when I visit the site.
umbraco.config not recreating
I'm running umbraco on an xp pc, IIS5, umby 4.03
I've been getting odd behaviour from the admin system today, it's been telling me media items don't exist when I try to delete them, if I refresh then they delete fine.
Now it's also failing to see when a member has been logged in or not. I'm wondering if there's something bad in the cache.
I've cleared the application pool and deleted /data/umbraco.config but it isn't creating a new umbraco.config file when I visit the site.
Can anyone tell me why that might be?
Hi Shaun, it definitely sounds like permission issues.
You could try disabling the xml cache in the config/umbracoSettings.config file.
is working on a reply...