Recently I downloaded the umbraco 4.5.1 release (.net 3.5) and tried to use examine to index the members in umbraco.
I got the dlls from source code of examine-56396
- Examine.DLL
- Examine.LuceneEngine.DLL
- UmbracoExamine.DLL
From the source code of examine-56396, I noticed that the code tried to identify a member by checking “<member></member>”.
However I checked the Content xml for member nodes in database, it still showed the node in old schema while the other content nodes were stored with new xml schema.
Is any other setting I missed to for members except for the one below?
Index members with Examine
Hi Guys,
Recently I downloaded the umbraco 4.5.1 release (.net 3.5) and tried to use examine to index the members in umbraco.
I got the dlls from source code of examine-56396
- Examine.DLL
- Examine.LuceneEngine.DLL
- UmbracoExamine.DLL
From the source code of examine-56396, I noticed that the code tried to identify a member by checking “<member></member>”.
However I checked the Content xml for member nodes in database, it still showed the node in old schema while the other content nodes were stored with new xml schema.
Is any other setting I missed to for members except for the one below?
is working on a reply...