I have an existing MSSQL query that outputs Member data to an XML file that is in a similar format to Umbraco.config. I then use the saved XML for a modified XSLT search.
Due to the number of members going forward I am looking to optimise my SQL query.
The required output is:
<data alias="LegalName">My Company Name</data>
My current SQL output is:
<data>My Company Name</data>
The SQL query is:
-1 AS '@id',
1 AS Tag,
NULL AS Parent,
cmsContentXml.nodeid AS [node!1!id],
CAST(cmsContentXml.xml as xml).value('(node/data[@alias="coyLegalEntityName"])[1]', 'nvarchar(200)') AS [node!1!data!element]
FROM cmsContentXml
where CAST(cmsContentXml.xml as xml).value('(node/@nodeType)[1]', 'varchar(max)') = '1239'
Can anyone advise how to get the additional alias='LegalName' bit into the output.
I tried the following as a hack but it didn't work but assume it is something along the lines
I've build MemberExport using a DataReader retrieving the data from the database and then build the csv file. It's fast In my testcase the export of 5000 records took 2142 milliseconds. I suggest you use a Datareader and XMLWriter for your export, then you'll have full control over the output
I currently have a script that I run to create an XML file but for 3,000 records it is taking 30+ seconds to run and at times has even timed out during processing - ouch !
I therefore identified that if I could get the SQL query to the desired XML format I can then simply save the data to file.
Doing it this way was proving much much quicker.
I guess my expectations were that the main umbraco.config re-creates itself very quickly and my data has a similar structure, so was hoping to be able to get similar results.
I am beginning to think I need to reconsider how I store the data in my XMl file and start over.
My query is now returning nicely structured XML data, however there is no "root" node. So far I have not been able to successfully alter the SQL query to include this, nor have I been able to get my user control to successfully write the "root" node as part of the process.
My SQL query is:
1 as Tag,
null as Parent,
umbracoNode.[id] AS [node!1!id],
umbracoNode.[parentID] AS [node!1!parentID],
umbracoNode.[text] AS [node!1!nodeName],
'' AS [node!1!urlName],
cmsMember.[loginName]AS [node!1!loginName],
cmsMember.[email]AS [node!1!email],
null AS [data!2!id],
null AS [data!2!alias],
umbracoNode.[text] AS [data!2!alias],
null AS [data!2],
CAST(employerData.xml as xml).value('(node/data[@alias="coyLegalEntityName"])[1]', 'nvarchar(200)') AS [node!1!employer]
FROM umbracoNode
inner join cmsMember on umbracoNode.[id] = cmsMember.nodeId
inner join cmsContent on umbracoNode.[id] = cmsContent.nodeId
inner join cmsContentType on cmsContent.contentType = cmsContentType.nodeId
inner join cmsContentVersion on umbracoNode.[id] = cmsContentVersion.contentId
inner join umbracoUser on umbracoNode.nodeUser = umbracoUser.[id]
inner join cmsContentXml AS employeeData ON employeeData.nodeId = umbracoNode.[id]
inner join cmsContentXml AS employerData ON CAST(employeeData.xml AS xml).value('(node/data[@alias="usrEmployer"])[1]', 'nvarchar(200)') = employerData.nodeId
WHERE cmsContentType.[nodeId] = '1240'
Union All
2 AS Tag,
1 AS Parent,
cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId as [node!1!id],
null, null, null, null, null,
inner join cmsPropertyData on umbracoNode.[id] = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId
inner join cmsPropertyType on cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid = cmsPropertyType.[id]
inner join cmsContentVersion on umbracoNode.[id] = cmsContentVersion.contentId
inner join cmsContentXml AS employeeData on cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId = employeeData.nodeId
inner join cmsContentXml AS employerData on CAST(employeeData.xml AS xml).value('(node/data[@alias="usrEmployer"])[1]', 'nvarchar(200)') = employerData.nodeId
cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = '1240'
ORDER BY [node!1!id], [data!2!id]
FOR XML Explicit
Can anyone suggest how to add <root id="-1"> to the sql query ?
On that old forum post, I posted a SQL snippet for a quick way to get the XML for all the members:
m.nodeId AS '@id',
m.Email AS '@email',
CAST(x.xml AS XML) AS '*'
cmsMember AS m
INNER JOIN cmsContentXml AS x ON m.nodeId = x.nodeId
FOR XML PATH('member'), ROOT('members'), TYPE
The main downside of this approach is that the XML structure is like this...
... with the <node> nested under the <member> element. But I don't see that as much of a problem.
From your first snippet, it looks like you need/want to filter the members before you get the XML dump? If so, I'd suggest doing that using SQL JOINs with the cmsContent table (or others) - rather than using inline XPath statements in CAST'd XML data, (that's where the timeouts WILL occur).
A quick example:
m.nodeId AS '@id',
m.Email AS '@email',
CAST(x.xml AS XML) AS '*'
cmsContent AS c
INNER JOIN cmsMember AS m ON c.nodeId = m.nodeId
INNER JOIN cmsContentXml AS x ON m.nodeId = x.nodeId
c.contentType IN (1239, 1240)
FOR XML PATH('member'), ROOT('members'), TYPE
Have finally cracked the SQL - the following outputs XML in the structure I want it - all I have to do is wrap a <root> tag around it and save the file.
Within a user control I am running the query and saving the file (approx 3000 nodes) in about 1 second.
SELECT 1 as Tag, null as Parent, umbracoNode.[id] AS [node!1!id], umbracoNode.[text] AS [node!1!nodeName], cmsMember.[loginName]AS [node!1!loginName], null AS [data!2!id], null AS [data!2!alias], umbracoNode.[text] AS [data!2!alias], null AS [data!2]
FROM [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].umbracoNode inner join [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].cmsMember on umbracoNode.[id] = cmsMember.nodeId inner join [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].cmsContent on umbracoNode.[id] = cmsContent.nodeId inner join [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].cmsContentType on cmsContent.contentType = cmsContentType.nodeId inner join [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].umbracoUser on umbracoNode.nodeUser = umbracoUser.[id]
WHERE cmsContentType.[nodeId] = '1239' AND cmsMember.[loginName] NOT LIKE 'archived%'
Union All
SELECT 2 AS Tag, 1 AS Parent, cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId as [node!1!id], null, null, cmsPropertyData.[id], cmsPropertyType.Alias, null, isnull(Convert(Nvarchar(4000),dataInt), isnull(Convert(Nvarchar(4000),dataDate), isnull(Convert(Nvarchar(4000),dataNvarchar), isnull(Convert(Nvarchar(4000),dataNtext),''))))
FROM [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].umbracoNode inner join [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].cmsPropertyData on umbracoNode.[id] = cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId inner join [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].cmsPropertyType on cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid = cmsPropertyType.[id] inner join [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].cmsMember on cmsMember.nodeId = umbracoNode.id
WHERE cmsPropertyType.contentTypeId = '1239' AND cmsMember.[loginName] NOT LIKE 'archived%' AND [Foodstuffs Suppliers].[dbo].cmsPropertyType.Alias IN ('coyLegalEntityName','coyLegalTradingName','coyPhysical2', 'coyPhysicalCity','coyAucklandVendorID','coyWellingtonVendorID','coySouthIslandVendorID', 'coyPrimaryBusinessCategory','coySecondaryBusinessCategory', 'foodstuffsBannerGroupCompanyParent','foodstuffsBannerGroupCompany') ORDER BY [node!1!id], [data!2!id] FOR XML Explicit
Obviously there are custom member properties within the query and the member type ID's.
Tricky MSSQL query to build XML file of members
Hi there
I have an existing MSSQL query that outputs Member data to an XML file that is in a similar format to Umbraco.config. I then use the saved XML for a modified XSLT search.
Due to the number of members going forward I am looking to optimise my SQL query.
The required output is:
My current SQL output is:
The SQL query is:
Can anyone advise how to get the additional alias='LegalName' bit into the output.
I tried the following as a hack but it didn't work but assume it is something along the lines
Hi Nigel,
I've build MemberExport using a DataReader retrieving the data from the database and then build the csv file. It's fast In my testcase the export of 5000 records took 2142 milliseconds. I suggest you use a Datareader and XMLWriter for your export, then you'll have full control over the output
Hi Richard
Thanks for your reply.
I currently have a script that I run to create an XML file but for 3,000 records it is taking 30+ seconds to run and at times has even timed out during processing - ouch !
One full node is as follows:
I therefore identified that if I could get the SQL query to the desired XML format I can then simply save the data to file.
Doing it this way was proving much much quicker.
I guess my expectations were that the main umbraco.config re-creates itself very quickly and my data has a similar structure, so was hoping to be able to get similar results.
I am beginning to think I need to reconsider how I store the data in my XMl file and start over.
I have now found an old Forum post that is along the lines of what I am trying to achieve
My query is now returning nicely structured XML data, however there is no "root" node. So far I have not been able to successfully alter the SQL query to include this, nor have I been able to get my user control to successfully write the "root" node as part of the process.
My SQL query is:
Can anyone suggest how to add <root id="-1"> to the sql query ?
Hi Nigel,
On that old forum post, I posted a SQL snippet for a quick way to get the XML for all the members:
The main downside of this approach is that the XML structure is like this...
... with the <node> nested under the <member> element. But I don't see that as much of a problem.
From your first snippet, it looks like you need/want to filter the members before you get the XML dump? If so, I'd suggest doing that using SQL JOINs with the cmsContent table (or others) - rather than using inline XPath statements in CAST'd XML data, (that's where the timeouts WILL occur).
A quick example:
Good luck!
Cheers, Lee.
Hi Lee (and others)
Have finally cracked the SQL - the following outputs XML in the structure I want it - all I have to do is wrap a <root> tag around it and save the file.
Within a user control I am running the query and saving the file (approx 3000 nodes) in about 1 second.
Obviously there are custom member properties within the query and the member type ID's.
Perserverance paid off finally . . .
Umbraco rocks!
is working on a reply...