I feel like a broken record with Examine, so sorry about yet another post on the subject :)
Has anyone been able to get the latest RC3 release of Exmine to work with case-insensitive searches? The indexer now saves the proper case workds, but when searching we unfortuantely get somewhat dirty results since a search fro "Contact Us" brings up the expected results but "contact us" does not. This means the user would have to know how the author typed in text in order to find something. Not great...
The WhitespaceAnalyzer isn't the standard one, StandardAnalyzer is the standard one. The reason that WhitespaceAnalyzer is used for the internal indexer & searcher is so we don't have to worry about special characters or anything when creating the back-office search.
If you want case-insensitive searching you need to use a case-insensitive analyzer. If you want case-insensitive searching and original cased displaying you'll need to use the technique I covered in the blog.
Yo Slace... wha happened to that post? I need that info! lol
What I am trying to do is to search specific nodes based on a radio button on the search form (searchField). When I leave this filtering off, I get results back no matter what case I use in my search box (searchTerm). Oh, Umbraco 4.8 is the environment...
If I select 'city" and search for "Madison", I get results, but if I search for "madison" I get none.
One more question... is there a way to do a %like% in my filter? For example, I have a "name" John Q. Public. I search for "Public". With the current fllter, I get no results. What I need is something along these lines:
<xsl:for-each select="$searchResult/nodes/node[./data[@alias = $searchField] LIKE $searchTerm]">
Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction!
Examine case-sensitive
Hi all,
I feel like a broken record with Examine, so sorry about yet another post on the subject :)
Has anyone been able to get the latest RC3 release of Exmine to work with case-insensitive searches? The indexer now saves the proper case workds, but when searching we unfortuantely get somewhat dirty results since a search fro "Contact Us" brings up the expected results but "contact us" does not. This means the user would have to know how the author typed in text in order to find something. Not great...
Thanks for any tips you have...
Are you specifying a different analyzer from the default?
Hi Slace, no I have the standard specified (just like the Internal one)....
Lucene.Net.Analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer, Lucene.Net
-- Nik
The WhitespaceAnalyzer isn't the standard one, StandardAnalyzer is the standard one. The reason that WhitespaceAnalyzer is used for the internal indexer & searcher is so we don't have to worry about special characters or anything when creating the back-office search.
The WhitespaceAnalyzer is a case-sensitive searcher, where Contact Us != contact us, as I covered here: http://farmcode.org/post/2010/08/23/Text-casing-and-Examine.aspx
If you want case-insensitive searching you need to use a case-insensitive analyzer. If you want case-insensitive searching and original cased displaying you'll need to use the technique I covered in the blog.
Can you explain it please? The link is broken.
Fresh link to the blog post above:
Sweet mother! :) Thank you for that tip...of course had I looked at codeplex I would have found the StandardAnalyzer there :)
Thanks again man.
-- Nik
@slace any chance of you posting a working link to the blogpost, as it seems that Farmcode's blog got lost with the new website?
Yo Slace... wha happened to that post? I need that info! lol
What I am trying to do is to search specific nodes based on a radio button on the search form (searchField). When I leave this filtering off, I get results back no matter what case I use in my search box (searchTerm). Oh, Umbraco 4.8 is the environment...
If I select 'city" and search for "Madison", I get results, but if I search for "madison" I get none.
One more question... is there a way to do a %like% in my filter? For example, I have a "name" John Q. Public. I search for "Public". With the current fllter, I get no results. What I need is something along these lines:
Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction!
I figured out the LIKE part... still have issue with the case part.
TheFARM have taken down farmcode (as people are becoming aware). I've migrated the blog content to my website - http://www.aaron-powell.com/text-casing-and-examine
No idea if it still works or is still relevent, it should be but no promises
Could you update your post please? The link is broken.
is working on a reply...