I would like to extend the Umbraco Create New modal dialog with one or two fields. I do have an Ascx control which I fire up from a dashboard in the right iframe, but it would be even nicer to use the modal create new dialog. I think I remember seing an example somewhere, but I dont know where. Anyone?
Extending the create new dialog
I would like to extend the Umbraco Create New modal dialog with one or two fields. I do have an Ascx control which I fire up from a dashboard in the right iframe, but it would be even nicer to use the modal create new dialog. I think I remember seing an example somewhere, but I dont know where. Anyone?
Found a clue, guess creating a javascript like so will do the trick:
string.Format(GetMainWindow + ".openModal('{0}','{1}',{2},{3});", url, name, height, width)
ref http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/CSharp/Content-Management-Systems-CMS/umbraco/umbraco/BasePages/ClientTools.cs.htm
Aha! http://our.umbraco.org/forum/developers/extending-umbraco/13094-Where-is-UmbClientMgr-
is working on a reply...