We intended to use "Latest publish date" to see how old certain articles are on a site. And send an email to editors when articles are too old.
However sometimes republishing nodes are required after backend changes (and upgrades). I do that as an admin. But that means the age of the content are lost. No big deal really, but I want to know if someone else are looking at document age and has a solution for this date reset on publish.
Ok, yeah, I would like to get "latest publish date by any editor user (!administrator)" really. To be able to send a message to the responsible editor for an article if it's untouched for over a year (for example).
Hm. So I think I will need to add another property for this "LatestPublishDateByEditor" and set it on publish event.
Might be worth checking out the cogworks CogPageReview package which seems to do a similar kind of thing (notifies users to update a page after x days)
How to know the age of a document?
We intended to use "Latest publish date" to see how old certain articles are on a site. And send an email to editors when articles are too old.
However sometimes republishing nodes are required after backend changes (and upgrades). I do that as an admin. But that means the age of the content are lost. No big deal really, but I want to know if someone else are looking at document age and has a solution for this date reset on publish.
How about using the created date instead of last published?
Or are you looking for more of the age of the "content" within the article and not the article itself?
Ok, yeah, I would like to get "latest publish date by any editor user (!administrator)" really. To be able to send a message to the responsible editor for an article if it's untouched for over a year (for example).
Hm. So I think I will need to add another property for this "LatestPublishDateByEditor" and set it on publish event.
You can probably get the info out of the umbracoLog table, that is how the Audit/ Rollback feature tracks.
Ah brillant Slace, thanks, you just saved me quite some hours
SELECT top 1 Datestamp FROM umbracoLog WHERE NodeId=@NodeId and logHeader ='Publish' AND userId<>0 order by id desc
Hey Jonas,
Might be worth checking out the cogworks CogPageReview package which seems to do a similar kind of thing (notifies users to update a page after x days)
Hey Matt,
ah, superb, how did I miss that, great package! Thanks
is working on a reply...