I am building a custom blog for educational purposes. I have an idea for how I would like to moderate my comments but I am current unsure how to complete the following:
An administrator in the Umbraco Admin area would have a dashboard like Blog4Umbraco (easy) but on top of this if a user clicks on a blog post I want a tab called Comments with a list of the comments.
Does anyone have any recomendation on how to implement this?
Sorry my explination was a little unclear and I was unable to edit my post, XSLT error!
What I want is for an administrator in Umbraco to be able to click on a post in the content tree and then one of the tabs to be comments, this tab will display a list of comments specific to this post.
I was thinking about building a usercontrol and using the macro container data type. Can you/anyone think of a better solution?
Also is there a reason why you would add the comments to the database and not as child nodes?
I just recently had the same issue, solved it creating a custom data type by using the feature in 4.6.1 to easily create a custom data editor.
Create a UserControl that also implements the IUsercontrolDataEditor interface
Interface requires a "value" property of type object, I just created an auto-property as I don't care about the value
Setup your control as normal, bearing in mind that you can read the ID of the current page using Convert.ToInt32( Request.QueryString["id"])
Copy your usercontrol to the usercontrols folder, copy your DLL to the bin folder
Add a new data type, set the render control to "umbraco usercontrol wrapper", save, then set the usercontrol to your control and save again
Update the document type, I added a Comments tab, then added a property to that tab of my new data type
Now view an article and see your "Comments" tab with your "Comments" field that will render using your custom control
NOTE: even if the tab isn't active, it's still loaded, so don't go loading every single comment in the Page_Load() and filter in code, try to filter in the DB
I setup a solution that switched between "Pending", "Rejected" and "Approved" filters with links to change the status of a comment.
Comment moderation with a twist
I am building a custom blog for educational purposes. I have an idea for how I would like to moderate my comments but I am current unsure how to complete the following:
An administrator in the Umbraco Admin area would have a dashboard like Blog4Umbraco (easy) but on top of this if a user clicks on a blog post I want a tab called Comments with a list of the comments.
Does anyone have any recomendation on how to implement this?
You could quite easily build your own dashboard control for this I think, just have a look at the current implementation of the list of comments that need to be moderated: http://blog4umbraco.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/61225#690486
Sorry my explination was a little unclear and I was unable to edit my post, XSLT error!
What I want is for an administrator in Umbraco to be able to click on a post in the content tree and then one of the tabs to be comments, this tab will display a list of comments specific to this post.
I was thinking about building a usercontrol and using the macro container data type. Can you/anyone think of a better solution?
Also is there a reason why you would add the comments to the database and not as child nodes?
Hi Daniel,
I just recently had the same issue, solved it creating a custom data type by using the feature in 4.6.1 to easily create a custom data editor.
NOTE: even if the tab isn't active, it's still loaded, so don't go loading every single comment in the Page_Load() and filter in code, try to filter in the DB
I setup a solution that switched between "Pending", "Rejected" and "Approved" filters with links to change the status of a comment.
is working on a reply...