This is the membership section from a website i'm working on at moment. The umbraco backend uses the normal umbraco membership (admin user etc) but we're using the custom provider for the extranet. One thing to note is we do have to specifiy which membership provider to use during login etc.
I was trying to avoid having to specify the membership provider in my membership controls tbh. I don't understand the point of the DefaultBackofficeProvider setting in umbracoSettings.config file if it's essentially redundant. Having said that, I'll use your workaround for the time being. Thanks :)
Back office defaulting to custom membership provider
I've created a custom membership provider for my website members. I've set this as the default provider in the web.config file.
The umbraco back office however is defaulting to this for users - I want to carry on using the UsersMembershipProvider.
I've double checked that the DefaultBackofficeProvider setting of umbracoSettings.config is set to UsersMembershipProvider.
Any ideas?
<membership defaultProvider="UsersMembershipProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15">
<providers> <clear />
<!-- add name="UmbracoMembershipProvider" type="umbraco.providers.members.UmbracoMembershipProvider" enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="false" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" defaultMemberTypeAlias="Another Type" passwordFormat="Hashed" /> -->
<add name="UsersMembershipProvider" type="umbraco.providers.UsersMembershipProvider" enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="false" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" passwordFormat="Hashed" />
<add name="CustomMembershipProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" enablePasswordRetrieval="false" enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false" applicationName="/BusinessPartner.Web" requiresUniqueEmail="true" passwordFormat="Clear" maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5" passwordAttemptWindow="10" passwordStrengthRegularExpression="" minRequiredPasswordLength="1" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" type="Namespace.CustomMembershipProvider" />
This is the membership section from a website i'm working on at moment. The umbraco backend uses the normal umbraco membership (admin user etc) but we're using the custom provider for the extranet. One thing to note is we do have to specifiy which membership provider to use during login etc.
Hope it helps
I was trying to avoid having to specify the membership provider in my membership controls tbh. I don't understand the point of the DefaultBackofficeProvider setting in umbracoSettings.config file if it's essentially redundant. Having said that, I'll use your workaround for the time being. Thanks :)
is working on a reply...