I can open the homepage for e-commerce and see the featured product I created but if I click to add to cart or any of the other links then all it seems to do is refresh the page. Is there something that I have missed somewhere along the line? I am using Umbraco and it is a brand new site with nothing else in it.
Are you running your site on a MySQL or MSSQL database? I think that the package is only able to work properly with MSSQL at the moment. So I think it would make sense to get that question cleared first :)
It is running with MSSQL, strangely enough every now and then it will show something in the basket after I try and change some settings in Umbraco then refresh the page, it's almost like there is some sort of caching issue, even when I can get the test featured item to show in the basket if I click checkout nothing happens apart from the page appears to refresh!! Very strange.
Have you verified that the [commerce]FeaturedProduct and [commerce]ProductDetail Macros have caching turned off in the Umbraco > Developer > Macro section? I believe the installer sets these to be cached, which *can* cause issues with PostBack Actions.
e-commerce doesn't seem to be working properly
I am trying to test the e-commerce add-on and I have installed it and followed the instructions here:
I can open the homepage for e-commerce and see the featured product I created but if I click to add to cart or any of the other links then all it seems to do is refresh the page. Is there something that I have missed somewhere along the line? I am using Umbraco and it is a brand new site with nothing else in it.
Are you running your site on a MySQL or MSSQL database? I think that the package is only able to work properly with MSSQL at the moment. So I think it would make sense to get that question cleared first :)
It is running with MSSQL, strangely enough every now and then it will show something in the basket after I try and change some settings in Umbraco then refresh the page, it's almost like there is some sort of caching issue, even when I can get the test featured item to show in the basket if I click checkout nothing happens apart from the page appears to refresh!! Very strange.
Have you verified that the [commerce]FeaturedProduct and [commerce]ProductDetail Macros have caching turned off in the Umbraco > Developer > Macro section? I believe the installer sets these to be cached, which *can* cause issues with PostBack Actions.
Hi Paul,
I have tried turning off the caching of the macros but it still doesn't seem to function correctly, anything else I can try?
I'm having the same issue with a fresh install.
Also, clicking cart or checkout just brings up an "Cannot display this page" message.
Matt -
Have a look at the last 2 item in this thread http://commerce4umbraco.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=61446
Removing the caching and adding in the config entries for your domain will get you on your way.
is working on a reply...