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How to create custom sections with custom page contains tree media picker?
I have problem from few days and I can't find solution nowhere.
I have developed custom section and custom aspx web page to umbraco.
In dashboard I reder web page which is placed in /umbraco/plugins directory.
In this page I need to choose image from Media, so I placed piece of code in my page (the lines on the end of my post).
The media tree is rendering ok, but if I pick some node (image) in tree, I receive javascript error:
"parent.opener.dialogHandler is not a function"
This line of code is dynamicaly placed in treeInit.aspx.
In this post:
someone also have problem with it, but no solution. The solution proposed by acl123 not working.
Can you help? This is my last fuctionality which I would like develop..
Best regards Tim.
function chooseContentId() {
var treePicker = window.showModalDialog('<%=umbraco.cms.presentation.Trees.TreeService.GetPickerUrl(true,"media","media")%>', 'treePicker', 'dialogWidth=350px;dialogHeight=300px;scrollbars=no;center=yes;border=thin;help=no;status=no');
if (treePicker != undefined) {
document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tbxParentNodeID").value = treePicker;
if (treePicker > 0) {
umbraco.presentation.webservices.CMSNode.GetNodeName('<%=umbraco.BasePages.BasePage.umbracoUserContextID%>', treePicker, updateContentTitle);
function updateContentTitle(result) {
document.getElementById("contentTitle").innerHTML = "<strong>" + result + "</strong>";
hi.. i used the same kind of script..
when i select the particular folder.,it is not getting selected..
how to solve that
is working on a reply...
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Custom sections with custom aspx page
How to create custom sections with custom page contains tree media picker?
I have problem from few days and I can't find solution nowhere.
I have developed custom section and custom aspx web page to umbraco.
In dashboard I reder web page which is placed in /umbraco/plugins directory.
In this page I need to choose image from Media, so I placed piece of code in my page (the lines on the end of my post).
The media tree is rendering ok, but if I pick some node (image) in tree, I receive javascript error:
"parent.opener.dialogHandler is not a function"
This line of code is dynamicaly placed in treeInit.aspx.
In this post:
someone also have problem with it, but no solution. The solution proposed by acl123 not working.
Can you help? This is my last fuctionality which I would like develop..
Best regards Tim.
function chooseContentId() {
var treePicker = window.showModalDialog('<%=umbraco.cms.presentation.Trees.TreeService.GetPickerUrl(true,"media","media")%>', 'treePicker', 'dialogWidth=350px;dialogHeight=300px;scrollbars=no;center=yes;border=thin;help=no;status=no');
if (treePicker != undefined) {
document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tbxParentNodeID").value = treePicker;
if (treePicker > 0) {
umbraco.presentation.webservices.CMSNode.GetNodeName('<%=umbraco.BasePages.BasePage.umbracoUserContextID%>', treePicker, updateContentTitle);
function updateContentTitle(result) {
document.getElementById("contentTitle").innerHTML = "<strong>" + result + "</strong>";
hi.. i used the same kind of script..
when i select the particular folder.,it is not getting selected..
how to solve that
is working on a reply...