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  • Giles 4 posts 24 karma points
    Dec 13, 2012 @ 01:53

    How should packages deal with Ref-Def-Mismatch (manifest definition does not match the assembly reference)?

    I'm trying to contribute a fix to an existing package (Universal Media Picker).

    The package suffers from Ref-Def-Mismatch on newer versions of Umbraco (4.8+) because it is compiled with an older version of the ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib assembly than the one used the newer Umbracos.

    I initially just updated the assembly, but of course then you just get the same problem trying to use the updated Universal Media Picker in older Umbracos.

    What's the best way to deal with this in a package?

    The best solution I've thought of so far is to drop an assembly binding into the web.config:

        <assemblyIdentity name="ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib" publicKeyToken="1b03e6acf1164f73" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

    I assume this can be done with the Add an Xml Fragment to an Xml config file package action.

    But presumably this problem has been faced and overcome before, so does anyone know what the recommended solution is?


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