We have an mntp with a xpath filter that is relative to the currentNode (i.e. ancestor-or-self). However, this only works when the currentNode is published, which means new nodes need to be published before all of the proper content can be added.
The xpath needs to be relative due to the multi-site architecture of the system.
Jeroen's right, if you're using the xpath filter, it can only show the published content, as the xpath query is run agains the content cache! If you want to use unpublished content, you have to set a root node unfortunately......
MNTP, multisite and published documents
We have an mntp with a xpath filter that is relative to the currentNode (i.e. ancestor-or-self). However, this only works when the currentNode is published, which means new nodes need to be published before all of the proper content can be added.
The xpath needs to be relative due to the multi-site architecture of the system.
Unfortunately this is how the MNTP XPath start node works. Don't think there is a good solution for this.
Jeroen's right, if you're using the xpath filter, it can only show the published content, as the xpath query is run agains the content cache! If you want to use unpublished content, you have to set a root node unfortunately......
Hi, I had the exact same problem, I have fixed it and submitted the patch to the core
is working on a reply...