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  • Aneesh 10 posts 29 karma points
    May 03, 2013 @ 07:50

    Alternative method for umbraco.cms.presentation.TreeInitCustom in Umbraco 4.8.0


    We have had recent upgrade from umbraco 4.0 to 4.8.0 and we had several custom functionalities extending umbraco's events. After digging so hard I am still not able to find a suitable alternate for root/umbraco/treeInitCustom.aspx or for the class : umbraco.cms.presentation.TreeInitCustom (which is inherited by the above aspx page) in 4.8.0.

    We have Geo targeted site and many pages are the same for all the geo location, hence the basic need was to create a page and replicate/duplicate across the different sections within the content tree.

    The treeinitcustom was basically used to pick the country node or the parent tree in the node, so that the page contents of the existing page are copied to a new page under different country.

    So is there a suitable page that carries out this function in umbraco 4.8.0 ?

    Thanks in advance, much appreciated.

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