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  • Bjarne Fyrstenborg 1285 posts 4039 karma points MVP 8x c-trib
    Jul 17, 2013 @ 22:45
    Bjarne Fyrstenborg

    Use product data from Umbraco nodes

    I have a very basic shopping cart with only a few product to order some booklets and no need for payment providers in this case..

    Right now I have a setup in Website application i Visual Studio with database tables for products and orders - just using Northwind database, but I think I only need tables for Product, Order and OrderDetails.

    I have hightlighted to most important columns I need.

    What is the best approach to use productdata from nodes in Umbraco in a .NET usercontrol with product nodes from Umbraco?

    Can I update the Product table on publish and unpublish (or delete) to match the data in Umbraco?


  • Jeroen Breuer 4908 posts 12265 karma points MVP 5x admin c-trib
    Jul 18, 2013 @ 12:16
    Jeroen Breuer


    It might be good to start with this old topic:

    If you want to use a custom table you can show the data with a UserControl or Razor. 

    If you want to manage your custom tables from Umbraco you might like this package:


  • Bjarne Fyrstenborg 1285 posts 4039 karma points MVP 8x c-trib
    Jul 18, 2013 @ 18:50
    Bjarne Fyrstenborg

    Hi Jeroen

    I haven't use dewd before, but it seems the data are maintained in a custom section and setup with custom sql queries?

    I have the following structure in content section and I would like that the data are maintained from here.

    A few years back I had product data in the content stucture and was using the eventshandlers to add the data to a custom table something like this:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Web.Configuration;
    using umbraco.cms.businesslogic.web;
    using umbraco.BusinessLogic;
    using umbraco.presentation.nodeFactory;
    namespace Events
        public class ProduktData : ApplicationBase
            public ProduktData()
                Document.AfterPublish += new Document.PublishEventHandler(Document_AfterPublish);
            void Document_AfterPublish(Document sender, umbraco.cms.businesslogic.PublishEventArgs e)        
                // kun gældende for nodes der anvender Produkt dokument typen.
                if (sender.ContentType.Alias == "Produkt")
                    // databaseforbindelse
                    string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["umbracoConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
                    SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                        // opretter strenge med værdierne angivet til produktet
                        string Navn = sender.getProperty("name").Value.ToString();
                        string Varenr = sender.getProperty("varenr").Value.ToString();
                        string Pris = sender.getProperty("price").Value.ToString();
                        string Kategori = sender.getProperty("kategori").Value.ToString();
                        string Billede = sender.getProperty("imageURL").Value.ToString();
                        string Nyhed = sender.getProperty("news").Value.ToString();
                        string Beskrivelse = sender.getProperty("description").Value.ToString();
                        // finder node id'et, det konverteres til en integer
                        string nodeIDstring = umbraco.helper.Request("id");
                        Int32 nodeID = Convert.ToInt32(nodeIDstring);
                        // konverterer Billede tekststrengen til en int, opretter et Media objekt og
                        // opretter en streng, der sættes til værdien af datatypen med alias umbracoFile.
                        Int32 mediaID = Convert.ToInt32(Billede);
                        Media mymedia = new Media(mediaID);
                        string imageURL = mymedia.getProperty("umbracoFile").Value.ToString();
                        // parser værdien fra tekststrengen Nyhed til en int, der så konverteres til en boolean (True/False).
                        Int32 newsID = Int32.Parse(Nyhed);
                        bool news = Convert.ToBoolean(newsID);
                        // konverterer tekststrengen kategori til en int og derefter fåes den tilhørende tekst til id'et.
                        Int32 kategoriID = Convert.ToInt32(Kategori);
                        string category = umbraco.library.GetPreValueAsString(kategoriID);
                        // SQL-kommando - tjekker om BilledID'et eksisterer
                        // indsætter en række hvis BilledID'et ikke eksisterer ellers opdateres rækken.
                        SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Varer WHERE BilledID=@BilledID) INSERT INTO Varer(BilledID, Navn, Varenr, Pris, Kategori, BilledURL, Beskrivelse, Nyhed) VALUES(@BilledID, @Navn, @Varenr, @Pris, @Kategori, @BilledURL, @Beskrivelse, @Nyhed) ELSE UPDATE Varer SET Navn=@Navn, Varenr=@Varenr, Pris=@Pris, Kategori=@Kategori, BilledURL=@BilledURL, Beskrivelse=@Beskrivelse, Nyhed=@Nyhed WHERE BilledID=@BilledID", conn);
                        comm.Parameters.Add("@BilledID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
                        comm.Parameters["@BilledID"].Value = nodeID;
                        comm.Parameters.Add("@Navn", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                        comm.Parameters["@Navn"].Value = Navn;
                        comm.Parameters.Add("@Varenr", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
                        comm.Parameters["@Varenr"].Value = Varenr;
                        comm.Parameters.Add("@Pris", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money);
                        comm.Parameters["@Pris"].Value = Pris;
                        comm.Parameters.Add("@Kategori", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
                        comm.Parameters["@Kategori"].Value = category;
                        comm.Parameters.Add("@BilledURL", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
                        comm.Parameters["@BilledURL"].Value = imageURL;
                        comm.Parameters.Add("@Beskrivelse", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 500);
                        comm.Parameters["@Beskrivelse"].Value = Beskrivelse;
                        comm.Parameters.Add("@Nyhed", System.Data.SqlDbType.Bit);
                        comm.Parameters["@Nyhed"].Value = news;
                        // Åbn forbindelse
                        // udfører kommando
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Add(LogTypes.Publish, sender.Id, ex.Message);
                        // luk forbindelsen
    I guess there is a eventhandler for unpublish too, so the product table only contains data which you want to show on the website..


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