We're looking at using Umbraco as our CMS for a new product that's currently in development.
We're using a WCF service for Product and Ordering functions, and looking for a good way to extend Umbraco to tap into these calls. The Documentation I've found about Resolvers etc is a little brief; does anyone know of a good tutorial for this?
Basically, we just want to map Umbraco's native calls to list product, add items to cart etc to our WCF endpoints, so that the front end developer only needs to know how to use Umbraco itself. CMS page content we will leave as default.
Let me know if I'm unclear and thanks in advance! :)
I'm not sure about resovlers, however you could use usercontrols as macros and the usercontrols codebehind would make the calls to your wcf endpoint(s) which is what I do currently. For example to display a list of products, you could add a doctype, template and content node that represents the page that display a list of products. Add a urlrewrite rule that will redirect to that node passing in the url data to select, for example, the correct category and disply its products.
Creating Plugins
Hey guys,
We're looking at using Umbraco as our CMS for a new product that's currently in development.
We're using a WCF service for Product and Ordering functions, and looking for a good way to extend Umbraco to tap into these calls. The Documentation I've found about Resolvers etc is a little brief; does anyone know of a good tutorial for this?
Basically, we just want to map Umbraco's native calls to list product, add items to cart etc to our WCF endpoints, so that the front end developer only needs to know how to use Umbraco itself. CMS page content we will leave as default.
Let me know if I'm unclear and thanks in advance! :)
I'm not sure about resovlers, however you could use usercontrols as macros and the usercontrols codebehind would make the calls to your wcf endpoint(s) which is what I do currently. For example to display a list of products, you could add a doctype, template and content node that represents the page that display a list of products. Add a urlrewrite rule that will redirect to that node passing in the url data to select, for example, the correct category and disply its products.
is working on a reply...