In v7 you can easily create a new DataType with with the inbuild multinode Treepicker and set Node Type as Members.
Then just create a new Partial view and Choose Multinode TreePicker. This should get you working and remember to change the alias in docType and PartialViews.
Multiple member picker for Umbraco 7.1
Hi everybody,
Could you help me with creating multiple member picker for Umbraco 7 ? Is there some package ? What is the best approach to do that ?
Thanks, Alex
Hi Alex,
In v7 you can easily create a new DataType with with the inbuild multinode Treepicker and set Node Type as Members.
Then just create a new Partial view and Choose Multinode TreePicker. This should get you working and remember to change the alias in docType and PartialViews.
Hi Fuji,
Thank you very much.
Hope you got this working Alex.
Glad i could help.
What about Umbraco 7.2? Its not working.
is working on a reply...