multinode treepicker xpath selector based on sitesettings property
I am creating a data type using the multinode tree picker.
The id of the parent node for the content items is a property of the $site node.
The Node Type Property is set to Content and I'm using Query for node using xpath.
Is there a way to use a value of another node in the tree to use as the value of the parent of the nodes that I want to select from?
multinode treepicker xpath selector based on sitesettings property
I am creating a data type using the multinode tree picker. The id of the parent node for the content items is a property of the $site node. The Node Type Property is set to Content and I'm using Query for node using xpath.
Is there a way to use a value of another node in the tree to use as the value of the parent of the nodes that I want to select from?
The following does not work I was hoping:
$site = descendant::[@id=1089]/ancestor-or-self::[@level = 1]
is working on a reply...