Dynamically adding umb-tab-view in a custom section
I have created a simple angular resource and controller for a custom backend section. It works great with a static number of hardcoded tabs.
However, I would to add tabs on the fly if possible. Something like this:
<form ng-controller="myController" ng-show="loaded">
<umb-header tabs="tabs"><!-- This works as expected. The tab headers get populated. -->
<div class="umb-headline-editor-wrapper span12 ng-scope">
<h1 class="ng-binding">Page {{id}}</h1>
<umb-tab id="tab{{$index+1}}" ng-repeat="tab in tabs"><!-- This does not work. -->
<div class="umb-pane">
This is tab content for tab {{tab.id}}<br />
The dom appears to be updated correctly, but the tab content is hidden.
Dynamically adding umb-tab-view in a custom section
I have created a simple angular resource and controller for a custom backend section. It works great with a static number of hardcoded tabs.
However, I would to add tabs on the fly if possible. Something like this:
The dom appears to be updated correctly, but the tab content is hidden.
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
The code above does work as expected. I was mistakenly passing a guid instead of an integer as the tab id.
is working on a reply...