I'm trying to find documents of a particular type with specific tags. So far I haven't been able to figure out how to do this with razor. I tried the following and it returned one object, but it should have returned about twenty.
Hy Jason. If you want a solution or an input for development you could have a look at the ublogsy project. it's very straight forward handling tags and the other stuff. The best thing it's completely written in razor.
<!-- what file extension that should cause umbraco to create thumbnails -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- what file extension that should cause umbraco to create thumbnails -->
<!-- what attributes that are allowed in the editor on an img tag -->
<!-- Path to script folder - no ending "/" -->
<!-- what files can be opened/created in the script editor -->
<!-- disable the codepress editor and use a simple textarea instead -->
<!-- note! codepress editor always disabled in IE due to automatic hyperlinking "feature" in contenteditable areas -->
<!-- should umbraco store the uploaded files like /media/xxx/filename.ext or like /media/xxx-filename.ext
should be set to false if the aspnet account hasn't got readrights of the driveroot up to the /media directory -->
<!-- the id of the page that should be shown if the page is not found -->
<!-- <errorPage culture="default">1</errorPage>-->
<!-- <errorPage culture="en-US">200</errorPage>-->
<!-- the email that should be used as from mail when umbraco sends a notification -->
<email>[email protected]</email>
<!-- if true umbraco will ensure that no page under the same parent has an identical name -->
<!-- lowercase, either 'gif' or 'png' -->
<!-- clean editor content with use of tidy -->
<!-- the encoding type for tidy. Default is UTF8, options are ASCII, Raw, Latin1, UTF8, ISO2022, MacroMan-->
<!-- to enable new content schema, this needs to be false -->
<!-- Whether to force safe aliases (no spaces, no special characters) at businesslogic level on contenttypes and propertytypes -->
<!-- HIGHLY recommend to keep this to true to ensure valid and beautiful XML Schemas -->
<!-- Enable / disable xml content cache -->
<!-- Update disk cache every time content has changed -->
<!-- Show the /config/splashes/booting.aspx page while initializing content -->
<!-- Show property descriptions in editing view "icon|text|none" -->
<!-- The html injected into a (x)html page if Umbraco is running in preview mode -->
<PreviewBadge><![CDATA[<a id="umbracoPreviewBadge" style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0; width: 149px; height: 149px; background: url('{1}/preview/previewModeBadge.png') no-repeat;" href="{0}/endPreview.aspx?redir={2}"><span style="display:none;">In Preview Mode - click to end</span></a>]]></PreviewBadge>
<!-- Cache cycle of Media and Member data fetched from the umbraco.library methods -->
<!-- In seconds. 0 will disable cache -->
<!-- this will ensure that urls are unique when running with multiple root nodes -->
<!-- this will add a trailing slash (/) to urls when in directory url mode -->
<urlReplacing removeDoubleDashes="true">
<char org=" ">-</char>
<char org="""></char>
<char org="%"></char>
<char org="."></char>
<char org=";"></char>
<char org="/"></char>
<char org=":"></char>
<char org="#"></char>
<char org="+">plus</char>
<char org="*">star</char>
<char org="&"></char>
<char org="?"></char>
<char org="æ">ae</char>
<char org="ø">oe</char>
<char org="å">aa</char>
<char org="ä">ae</char>
<char org="ö">oe</char>
<char org="ü">ue</char>
<char org="ß">ss</char>
<char org="Ä">ae</char>
<char org="Ö">oe</char>
<!-- this is used by Umbraco to determine if there's valid classes in the /App_Code folder to be used for Rest/XSLT extensions -->
<!-- razor DynamicNode typecasting detects XML and returns DynamicXml - Root elements that won't convert to DynamicXml -->
<!-- This moves the asp.net viewstate data to the end of the html document instead of having it in the beginning-->
<viewstateMoverModule enable="false" />
<!-- <logTypeAlias>[alias-of-log-type-in-lowercase]</logTypeAlias> -->
<!-- You can add your own logging tool by implementing the umbraco.BusinessLogic.Interfaces.ILog interface and add the reference here -->
<!-- The external logger can also act as the audit trail storage by setting the logAuditTrail attribute to true -->
<!--<externalLogger assembly="~/bin/assemblyFileName.dll" type="fully.qualified.namespace.and.type" logAuditTrail="false" /> -->
<!-- add tasks that should be called with an interval (seconds) -->
<task log="true" alias="YouTubeImport" interval="600" url="/umbraco/ImportVideos.aspx"/>
<!-- distributed calls make umbraco use webservices to handle cache refreshing -->
<distributedCall enable="false">
<!-- the id of the user who's making the calls -->
<!-- needed for security, umbraco will automatically look up correct login and passwords -->
<!-- add ip number or hostname, make sure that it can be reached from all servers -->
<!-- <server></server>-->
<!-- configuration for webservices -->
<!-- webservices are disabled by default. Set enable="True" to enable them -->
<webservices enabled="False">
<!-- You must set user-rights for each service. Enter the usernames seperated with comma (,) -->
<!-- type of files (extensions) that are allowed for the file service -->
<!-- Configuration for repositories -->
<!-- Add or remove repositories here. You will need the repository's unique key to be able to connect to it.-->
<repository name="Umbraco package Repository" guid="65194810-1f85-11dd-bd0b-0800200c9a66" />
<!-- if you wish to use your own membershipprovider for authenticating to the umbraco back office -->
<!-- specify it here (remember to add it to the web.config as well) -->
<!-- Maps language, usertype, application and application_url to help pages -->
<help defaultUrl="http://our.umbraco.org/wiki/umbraco-help/{0}/{1}">
<!-- Add links that should open custom help pages -->
<!--<link application="content" applicationUrl="dashboard.aspx" language="en" userType="Administrators" helpUrl="http://www.xyz.no?{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}" /> -->
It's pretty much a stock config asside from the task I set up.
<!-- Add links that should open custom help pages -->
I also noticed that when I try to access the tags directly on the Document such as Model.tags, they don't seem to be there. @Model.tags.Length outputs zero. I can't get the tags unless I use umbraco.cms.businesslogic.Tags.Tag.GetTags(Model.Id), which would be very unpractical for filtering. Surely there's an easy way to filter by tags with Razor?
Not exactly what I wanted but a helper method like the following seems to do the trick.
public static DynamicNodeList SearchByTag(string tag)
var docs = Tag.GetDocumentsWithTags(tag);
return new DynamicNodeList(docs.Select(doc => new DynamicNode(doc.Id)));
Finding documents by tag
I'm trying to find documents of a particular type with specific tags. So far I haven't been able to figure out how to do this with razor. I tried the following and it returned one object, but it should have returned about twenty.
Model.Descendants("BlogPost").Where("tags.Contains(\"" + tagName + "\")");
I also tried
But that doesn't return the DynamicNode type that I need. Help!
Hy Jason. If you want a solution or an input for development you could have a look at the ublogsy project. it's very straight forward handling tags and the other stuff. The best thing it's completely written in razor.
for another try post some of the content from your umbraco.config xml. than i think we can help you out. greetings toni
I also noticed that when I try to access the tags directly on the Document such as Model.tags, they don't seem to be there. @Model.tags.Length outputs zero. I can't get the tags unless I use umbraco.cms.businesslogic.Tags.Tag.GetTags(Model.Id), which would be very unpractical for filtering. Surely there's an easy way to filter by tags with Razor?
Not exactly what I wanted but a helper method like the following seems to do the trick.
is working on a reply...