I am not sure about the NivoSlider package, but try adding ?umbDebugShowTrace=true to the URL and look at the trace, there should be a red error somewhere, could you copy that? Also, there will be a line number in that error, it would be handy to see the code at that line so that we can suggest solutions.
You probably added this package later when (some) images already existed.
They got updated with the new properties, one of which is the nivoSliderEffect property.
You have to go into ALL of your images and save them again so that the nivoSliderEffect contains an empty string (they are probably returning null or DynamicNull at the moment).
Hi liran, if you set up Umbraco via WebMatrix, and include one of the sample starter kits, that will give you a good clean base to try to get it to work. Install the package and create a couple of sample slides, ensuring the properties on the slides are all set correctly. Also ensure that you include the razor macro in the right template, i.e. the one whose Model will be the node that actually contains nivo slide references.
I have not used the package so not sure exaclty, but sounds like the linkage is broken, i.e. the page you are using the macro on cannot see the nivo slide properties for some reason.
hi all
i hope this is the right place for this question...
i installed nivoslide, followed the installation guide but when i try to add the nivoslide macro i get an error:
'umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicMedia' does not contain a definition for 'nivoSliderEffect'
I am not sure about the NivoSlider package, but try adding ?umbDebugShowTrace=true to the URL and look at the trace, there should be a red error somewhere, could you copy that? Also, there will be a line number in that error, it would be handy to see the code at that line so that we can suggest solutions.
could you be a bit more specific, i'm very new at umbraco.
in what file to add the URL? and what code should i sent to you?
If your url is: http://mygreatsite.com/gallery.aspx then add http://mygreatsite.com/gallery.aspx?umbDebugShowTrace=true to see the complete stack trace and a more detailed error.
The code I am asking for is the code you wrote in NivoSlider.cshtml.
i didn't wrote any code.... it was a package installation in Umbraco.
but this is the code of: NivoSlider.cshtml
@using umbraco.MacroEngines
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js"></script>
var nodes = @Model.MediaById(@Parameter.nivoFolder);
<script type="text/javascript">
$(window).load(function() {
System.Text.StringBuilder effects = new System.Text.StringBuilder("'");
foreach (dynamic img in nodes.Children)
if (img.nivoSliderEffect == String.Empty)
effects.Append(img.nivoSliderEffect + ",");
effects.Remove(effects.Length - 1,1);
boxCols:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoBoxCols) ? "8" : Parameter.nivoBoxCols),
rowCols:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoRowCols) ? "4" : Parameter.nivoRowCols),
animSpeed:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoAnimSpeed) ? "500" : @Parameter.nivoAnimSpeed),
pauseTime:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoPauseTime) ? "3000": @Parameter.nivoPauseTime),
startSlide:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoStartSlide) ? "0" : @Parameter.nivoStartSlide),
directionNav:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoDirectionNav) ? "false" : (Parameter.nivoDirectionNav=="1" ? "true" : "false")),
directionNavHide:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoDirectionNavHide) ? "false" : (Parameter.nivoDirectionNavHide=="1" ? "true" : "false")),
controlNav:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoControlNav) ? "false" : (Parameter.nivoControlNav=="1" ? "true" : "false")),
keyboardNav:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoKeyboardNav) ? "false" : (Parameter.nivoKeyboardNav=="1" ? "true" : "false")),
pauseOnHover:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoPauseOnHover) ? "false" : (Parameter.nivoPauseOnHover=="1" ? "true" : "false")),
manualAdvance:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoManualAdvance) ? "false" : (Parameter.nivoManualAdvance=="1" ? "true" : "false")),
captionOpacity:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoCaptionOpacity) ? "0.8" : @Parameter.nivoCaptionOpacity),
prevText:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoPrevText) ? @Html.Raw("'Prev'") : @Html.Raw(String.Concat("'", Parameter.nivoPrevText, "'"))),
nextText:@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.nivoNextText) ? @Html.Raw("'Next'") : @Html.Raw(String.Concat("'", Parameter.nivoNextText, "'")))
<div id="@nodes.Name" class="nivoSlider">
@foreach (dynamic img in nodes.Children)
if (img.ContentType.Alias != "NivoSliderImage")
dynamic destNode = new DynamicNode(img.nivoSliderUrl);
System.Text.StringBuilder htmlNode = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(img.nivoSliderUrl))
htmlNode.Append("<a href=\""+destNode.NiceUrl+"\">");
htmlNode.Append("<img src=\""+img.umbracoFile+"\" alt=\""+img.Name+"\"");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(img.nivoSliderCaption))
htmlNode.Append(" title=\"#"+img.Name+"\"");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(img.nivoSliderUrl))
foreach (dynamic img in nodes.Children)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(img.nivoSliderCaption))
<div id="@img.Name" class="nivo-html-caption">
You probably added this package later when (some) images already existed.
They got updated with the new properties, one of which is the nivoSliderEffect property.
You have to go into ALL of your images and save them again so that the nivoSliderEffect contains an empty string (they are probably returning null or DynamicNull at the moment).
i think i have a problem with the properties.
look at this screenshot:
Did you save all of your media items again? Please go through all of them.
Your properties don't give errors, so I don't know what the problem would be then.
i saved all the pictures again, still the same error.
Hi liran, if you set up Umbraco via WebMatrix, and include one of the sample starter kits, that will give you a good clean base to try to get it to work. Install the package and create a couple of sample slides, ensuring the properties on the slides are all set correctly. Also ensure that you include the razor macro in the right template, i.e. the one whose Model will be the node that actually contains nivo slide references.
I have not used the package so not sure exaclty, but sounds like the linkage is broken, i.e. the page you are using the macro on cannot see the nivo slide properties for some reason.
is working on a reply...