Hi. I've read already on these forums that there was a bug with OrderBy on the DynamicNodeList when trying to use concrete properties on the DynamicNode; eg:
Model.Descendants("alias").OrderBy("customProperty desc") // will work
Mode.Descendants("alias").OrderBy("CreateDate desc") // won't sort at al
I was pretty sure I was using the latest build of Umbraco but I downloaded the latest version of umbraco.MacroEngines.dll just in case. Unfortunately, this didn't change anything.
DynamicNodeList OrderBy concrete DynamicNode properties
Hi. I've read already on these forums that there was a bug with OrderBy on the DynamicNodeList when trying to use concrete properties on the DynamicNode; eg:
I was pretty sure I was using the latest build of Umbraco but I downloaded the latest version of umbraco.MacroEngines.dll just in case. Unfortunately, this didn't change anything.
Any ideas?
Any luck?
Used this one: SubnodeList.Items.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).Take(SubnodeList.Items.Count())
is working on a reply...