It all depends what you want and need. If the foldername, folder location in the tree ... might change or a user might create one that would conflict your selection logic, maybe use the following approach.
Make the top node a 'setting node'. Put a contentpicker there that will remember this important folder. In your script first get the settingsnode and then get the required property.
//Get the settings of the website var siteRoot = Model.AncestorOrSelf(); //Select the contentpicker var folder = siteRoot.FolderContentPickerProperty;
Best Practice: Folder Finder
using 4.7.1
You may find teh following post helps
It all depends what you want and need. If the foldername, folder location in the tree ... might change or a user might create one that would conflict your selection logic, maybe use the following approach.
Make the top node a 'setting node'. Put a contentpicker there that will remember this important folder. In your script first get the settingsnode and then get the required property.
Yeah, nice one!
is working on a reply...