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  • yann 13 posts 32 karma points
    Feb 28, 2012 @ 08:22

    Getting Macro parameter in razor when macro has been called programatically

    Hi there

    I need to add some macro(.net usercontrols) programatically using a repeater... So I am doing the following in my .Net control:

    int ProductFolderID = 1188;
    umbraco.presentation.templateControls.Macro mcr = new umbraco.presentation.templateControls.Macro();
    mcr.MacroAttributes.Add("documenttypealias", "1079");

    I am passing 2 attributes along with my macro...

    however when retrieving the parameter in razor give me nothing:
        // Get parameter from umbraco
        var pageID = @Parameter.source;
        var docTypeAlias= @Parameter.documenttypealias;

    both are empty...

    Is there a way of doing that...

    Thanks for any help




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