Retrieve list of nodes from list of property values
Hey folks. I have been scouring this forum for many days trying to solve a problem.
I have a list of department_ids and would like to query the Departments node for the children with department_id in the list. Is there a way to do this? Ultimately I'd like to order by department name as well.
Retrieve list of nodes from list of property values
Hey folks. I have been scouring this forum for many days trying to solve a problem.
I have a list of department_ids and would like to query the Departments node for the children with department_id in the list. Is there a way to do this? Ultimately I'd like to order by department name as well.
- department_id 1
- department_id 2
- department_id 3
- department_id 4
- department_id 5
- department_id 6
I have tried a few approaches but they've failed. The last try was:
DynamicNodeList retList = from p in @Model.XPath("/root/Departments/Department")
where departmentIDList.Contains( p.department_id )
select p;
This gives me "Query expressions over source type 'dynamic' or with a join sequence of type 'dynamic' are not allowed"
n/m part 5 of the walkthrough had something I could use with the Dictionary example.
Seems to working just wondering how efficient that is...
is working on a reply...