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  • Paul Stewart 50 posts 71 karma points
    Mar 07, 2012 @ 10:59
    Paul Stewart

    Navigation Challenge?

    Hey guys, I've create my navigation code for a client and for a specific page the client wants the main level navigation to show ("level 1") 

    Page 1
    Page 2
    Page 3
    - Subpage 1
    - Subpage 2
    - Subpage 3

    Page 4
    - Subpage 4
    - Subpage 5
    - Subpage 6

    Page 5
    Page 6

    So when ever i go to subpage 1, it shows only the list of pages withing the same level as subpage 1, but I want to show the main nav with the subpages still, but only for a specific page. So for example I only want Page 4's sub pages to show the main navigation and the rest will show the pages within the same level. 

    Heres my code.

    @using umbraco.MacroEngines
    @inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext

      int minLevel String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.minLevelint.Parse(Parameter.minLevel);
      int maxLevel String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.maxLevel10 int.Parse(Parameter.maxLevel);
      if (minLevel == &@Model.showInGroupNav)
        minLevel 1;
      var parent @Model.AncestorOrSelf(minLevel);
      if (parent != null)
          var items parent.Children.Where("Visible").Where("Level <= " maxLevel.ToString()).Where("Level >= " minLevel.ToString());
          int itemCount items.Count();
          int itemIndex 0;
          foreach (var item in items)
            string selected Array.IndexOf(Model.Path.Split(',')item.Id.ToString()>= "selected " "";
            string firstLast "";
            string liClass "";
            string ulClass "";
            if (itemIndex == 1firstLast += "first "}
            if (itemIndex == itemCountfirstLast += "last"
            if (selected != String.Empty |firstLast != String.EmptyliClass " class=\"" selected firstLast"\""}
            if (firstLast != String.EmptyulClass " class=\"" firstLast "\""}
                if (item.hideLink.GetType(== typeof(umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNull|item.hideLink == false<href="@item.Url">@item.Name</a}
                else <span>@item.Name</span}
                if (item.Children.Where("Visible").Count(0<ul@Html.Raw(ulClass)>@traverse(itemminLevelmaxLevel)</ul}

    @helper traverse(dynamic nodeint minLevelint maxLevel){
      // Get list of visible child items for this node.
      var items node.Children.Where("Visible").Where("Level <= " maxLevel.ToString()).Where("Level >= " minLevel.ToString());
      int itemCount items.Count();
      int itemIndex 0;
      // Loop through each item create link and check again for child items.
      foreach (var item in items)
        string selected Array.IndexOf(Model.Path.Split(',')item.Id.ToString()>= "selected " "";
        string firstLast "";
        string liClass "";
        string ulClass "";
        if (itemIndex == 1firstLast += "first "}
        if (itemIndex == itemCountfirstLast += "last"}
        if (selected != String.Empty |firstLast != String.EmptyliClass " class=\"" selected firstLast"\""}
        if (firstLast != String.EmptyulClass " class=\"" firstLast "\""}
              if (item.hideLink.GetType(== typeof(umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNull|item.hideLink == false
                  string newCar string.Empty;
                  if (item.carThumbnail.GetType(== typeof(System.Int32))
                      newCar item.NodeTypeAlias == "NewCar" &item.carThumbnail.ToString(!= String.Empty "rel=\"" ((dynamic)new DynamicMedia(item.carThumbnail)).umbracoFile " \"" String.Empty;
                      newCar item.NodeTypeAlias == "NewCar" &item.carThumbnail.ToString(!= String.Empty "rel=\"" item.carThumbnail " \"" String.Empty;
                <href="@item.Url" @Html.Raw(newCar@Html.Raw(newCar != String.Empty "class=\"newCarPop\"" "")>@item.Name</a
              else <span>@item.Name</span}
              if (item.Children.Where("Visible").Count(0<ul@Html.Raw(ulClass)>@traverse(itemminLevelmaxLevel)</ul}
  • Paul Stewart 50 posts 71 karma points
    Mar 07, 2012 @ 11:00
    Paul Stewart

    Mean I thought something Model.NodeById(1000).Children() would be the query but am not sure how to go about it? any advice would be helpful. 

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