Linq to iterate nodes, split & group a comma separated string UltimatePicker value
Wondering if anyone has an idea of how to use a Linq statement that iterates over a collection of nodes, splits a comma separated string UltimatePicker value, groups the split values and returns a count of each grouped valued.
The UltimatePicker values are stored as "1021,1022,1023,1024", which needs to be split then grouped.
Below is an example of grouping by year and month.
var groupedNodes = from p in nodes group p by p.GetPropertyValue("PostDate").AsDateTime().Year into yg orderby yg.Key descending select new { Year = yg.Key, Months = from m in yg group m by m.GetPropertyValue("PostDate").AsDateTime().Month into mg select new { Month = mg.Key, Posts = mg } };
Linq to iterate nodes, split & group a comma separated string UltimatePicker value
Wondering if anyone has an idea of how to use a Linq statement that iterates over a collection of nodes, splits a comma separated string UltimatePicker value, groups the split values and returns a count of each grouped valued.
The UltimatePicker values are stored as "1021,1022,1023,1024", which needs to be split then grouped.
Below is an example of grouping by year and month.
Thank you for any help.
is working on a reply...