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  • Clair 36 posts 86 karma points
    Apr 04, 2012 @ 16:51

    Dash in phone number being removed

    I recently upgraded Umbraco from 4.7.0 to Almost everything went well except for this one weird thing.

    I have a custom data type that contains xml. One of the properties is a phone number. After the upgrade, the “-“ character is not appearing on the front end. When I check the property in Umbraco, its there  (888) 888-8888, but on the front end, its (888) 8888888.

    I checked the umbraco.config file, and it’s in the correct format there <tollfree><![CDATA[(888) 888-8888]]></tollfree>. I'm accessing the property like this


    I can put any other character in place of the dash, and it works fine, but as soon as I put the dash in, it gets stripped out or something. I’ve even disabled css and js to see if something was going on there, but still happening, so I’m suspecting the razor view engine?

    Anybody know what could be happening?

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