I am having this same issue, I am trying to use some razor scripts from an earlier version of Umbraco and I'm getting an error when saving the file saying it expects a '}'
The snippet if below and it appears to be the if statement that is breaking it, any ideas on what has changed or what I'm doing wrong? I was just trying to port this code from 4.* to the latest 4.* to get the side navigation working.
issue with Razor if statement
Hi Guys,
This kinda drives me nuts:
I have a Razor script:
@if(Model.GetProperty("memberPhone").Value != null)
<br />Phone: @Model.memberPhone
when I try to save this script, I get this error message:
error CS1002: ; expected
When I omit the '@' before the if-statement, then I can save the script, but the if-statement doesn't get processes.
Anyone else encounterd this?
Thanks for your help,
Have you tried saving the Razor file in Visual Studio? Maybe than it just works.
Hi Jeroen,
Yes I tried that, but without luck. The odd thing is that in VS, I also get a squigly at the end of the line:
<br />Phone: @Model.memberPhone
telling me to that a ';' is expected
thanks for your help,
Hmm I don't see the problem either. Does this work?
Hi Jeroen,
I deleted code in the if-statement and typed it again and now it works. It must have been an hidden character or something.
Thanks for your help,
I guess I still need to unravel the mysteries of Razor, this code works:
@if (Model.GetProperty("memberPhone").Value != null)
<br />@Model.memberPhone
But if I add the static text 'Phone':
@if (Model.GetProperty("memberPhone").Value != null)
<br />Phone: @Model.memberPhone
c:\Repos\creative-website\testcreative\macroScripts\634710288041184781_Member.cshtml(9): error CS1002: ; expected
Does someone know what's going on??
Thanks for your help,
Hmm that should just work. Here are some options which might work:
Hi Jeroen,
Yes, both options work, the second one needed a little tweaking because the '<br />' was not interpreted but rendered literaly, so I changed it to:
<br /> @("Phone:" + Model.memberPhone)
That also worked fine, thanks for your help,
If you want a nice syntax, look at this: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/12/15/asp-net-mvc-3-razor-s-and-lt-text-gt-syntax.aspx
This works as intended:
var test = "hello";
@if (1 == 1)
@:<br /><br /><br /> @test
Tldr: You just need to use "@:"
@: <br /> Phone: @Model.memberPhone
I am having this same issue, I am trying to use some razor scripts from an earlier version of Umbraco and I'm getting an error when saving the file saying it expects a '}'
The snippet if below and it appears to be the if statement that is breaking it, any ideas on what has changed or what I'm doing wrong? I was just trying to port this code from 4.* to the latest 4.* to get the side navigation working.
var startLevel = 2;
var finishLevel = 4;
var parent = @Model.AncestorOrSelf(startLevel);
var childCount = parent.Children.Count();
@* DO some other logic*@
OK so I just tried splitting down my if statement from the variables like below and got it working! Typical just after I had posted ;)
var startLevel = 2;
var finishLevel = 4;
var parent = @Model.AncestorOrSelf(startLevel);
var childCount = parent.Children.Count();
<div id="sidenav">
@ulMenu(parent, startLevel, finishLevel)
Prettier if-statement:
@if(parent!=null && parent.Children.Any())
<div id="sidenav">
@ulMenu(parent, startLevel, finishLevel)
Try removing the @ from @Model.AncestorOrSelf(startLevel);
is working on a reply...