QueryString to MVC action does not make it to Request
Umbraco: ver: 4.8
The page in Umbraco is setup with the link: mycontroller-myaction
I have no problem with this routing th the controller/action in question. Where using the Node Factory to get the current node (umbraco.NodeFactory.Node.GetCurrent().Id) which is populated on the view (Razor). However, if I have my action setup to accept a parameter:
the querystring on the EITHER the umbraco.library.RequestQueryString or the base Request object on ControllerBase does not contain the "id" querystring.
So to me, Umbraco is doing something with it and I don't see what. I don't know enough about Umbraco to know what I need to do, for Umbraco's route handling to ensure it passes on the querystring.
QueryString to MVC action does not make it to Request
Umbraco: ver: 4.8
The page in Umbraco is setup with the link: mycontroller-myaction
I have no problem with this routing th the controller/action in question. Where using the Node Factory to get the current node (umbraco.NodeFactory.Node.GetCurrent().Id) which is populated on the view (Razor). However, if I have my action setup to accept a parameter:
public ViewResult MyAction(int id) { }
Going to http://www.domain.com/mycontroller-myaction?id=1234
the querystring on the EITHER the umbraco.library.RequestQueryString or the base Request object on ControllerBase does not contain the "id" querystring.
So to me, Umbraco is doing something with it and I don't see what. I don't know enough about Umbraco to know what I need to do, for Umbraco's route handling to ensure it passes on the querystring.
Anyone able to provide some insight?
Did you ever find the answer to this? I'm running into a similar issue on Umbraco 6.1.2 and 6.1.5.
Sounds like this issue: http://our.umbraco.org/forum/using/migrating-from-v5-to-v4-(and-beyond)/44899-Razor-in-umbraco-4-va-Razor-in-Umraco-6?p=0#comment161699
is working on a reply...