Not be more precise when dispplaying the navigation from the homepage i will only display content 1, content 2 and content 3. When click on any of the content url it will redirect to the first child of the content.
So when this page is opened you will still get the header from content 1, its sub contents and eventually content 2 and content 3. Just as if you are opening or closing a collapsible content.
Displaying SubContent
Hi everyone,
I have some issues when trying to display a list of SubContent and its headers. This is how my content section looks like
--- configurations
-- home
-- Content 1
-- Subcontent (1-6)
-- Content 2
-- Subcontent (1-6)
-- Content 3
-- Subcontent (1-6)
So whenever am in any of the subContent page i need to display the heading that is Content 1, SubContents(1-6) and Content 2 and Content 3.
Atm i cant get Content 2 and Content 3 to display when am in any of the subContent. Here is how my code looks like
Any help on this please
Hey Fuji
if u have a properti defined on u doctype that has the hotels heading. u could use @Model._heading where heading is the name of the property.
the _ makes it recursive and is just what u are looking for i gues.
Not be more precise when dispplaying the navigation from the homepage i will only display content 1, content 2 and content 3. When click on any of the content url it will redirect to the first child of the content.
So when this page is opened you will still get the header from content 1, its sub contents and eventually content 2 and content 3. Just as if you are opening or closing a collapsible content.
Got it working somehow, but still i need to i need to display the Active Content on Top always. That is if am on Content 1 , i will display like this
Content 1
Content 2
Content 3
And if am on Contetn 2 it should be
Content 2
Content 1
Content 3
Here is how i proceeded to get the first part working now i need to figure out how to order by active content
is working on a reply...