Sorry for late reply. If I understand what you would like to do, then this code will return you a navigation down to level 3
@foreach(var page in @Model.Content.AncestorOrSelf().Descendants().Where("level<5"))
<a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a>
I have left level at 5, but if you adjust you will see what returns, it is worth to note that level 1 is 0, so sometimes can be a little confusing.
Hope this helps to get you started, but you may have to play a little, I use V6 Mvc version, so you may need to check your @using statements at the top of your file if you are using Webforms.
how to get the deepest level child of Home page
Hi I'm new to Umbraco Razors
Please help me to resolve this..
when I use Model.Descendants(1).Last(); it is giving the last node of the home page but not the lowest level
for eg: I have a n-level navigation (n not known) and I want to display the navigation tree only for 3 levels if n value is greater.
how can i get the value of n
I tried to get the deepest level fo the below navigation structure and failed to get the correct result
the code i wrote is
var deepest = Model.descendants(1).Last();
Level:: @deepest.Level
PageName:: @deepest.Name
and the result is
Level:: 3 (which is not the deepest level)
PageName:: level 3-5
Any help would be great
thanks in advance
Hi Roey
Sorry for late reply. If I understand what you would like to do, then this code will return you a navigation down to level 3
@foreach(var page in @Model.Content.AncestorOrSelf().Descendants().Where("level<5"))
<a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a>
I have left level at 5, but if you adjust you will see what returns, it is worth to note that level 1 is 0, so sometimes can be a little confusing.
Hope this helps to get you started, but you may have to play a little, I use V6 Mvc version, so you may need to check your @using statements at the top of your file if you are using Webforms.
Hope it helps Gary
The ().Where("level<5")) is an optional constraint if you take this off it will keep searching down the tree for you :). Charlie :)
thanks for your response and suggestions,
i didn't want to put any particular number in where(). I got what i wanted with the following code but thats not completely dynamic too.
@inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext
var startLevel = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.StartLevel) ? 1 : int.Parse(Parameter.StartLevel);
var finishLevel = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.FinishLevel) ? 5 : int.Parse(Parameter.FinishLevel);
var parent = @Model.AncestorOrSelf(startLevel);
if (parent != null) { @traverse(parent,startLevel,finishLevel) ; }
@helper traverse(dynamic parent,int startLevel,int finishLevel)
<ul [email protected]>
@foreach (var node in parent.Children.Where("Visible")) {
var selected = Array.IndexOf(Model.Path.Split(','), node.Id.ToString()) >= 0 ? "class = selected"+" "+"current-"[email protected] : "";
<li @Html.Raw(selected)>
<a href="@node.Url">@node.Name</a>
@if (selected!=""&&@node.Level<=finishLevel) { @traverse(node,startLevel,finishLevel); }
I also have other query
i'm dynamically generating classes for the li items for example (<li class="selected current-2">)
@foreach (var node in parent.Children.Where("Visible")) {
var selected = Array.IndexOf(Model.Path.Split(','), node.Id.ToString()) >= 0 ? "class = selected"+" "+"current-"[email protected] : "";
<li @Html.Raw(selected)>
but the space after "selected" is messing up my class names
Thanks for any help
Hi Roey. Sorry for the late reply. Surly in the start and stop clause
var startLevel = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.StartLevel) ? 1 : int.Parse(Parameter.StartLevel);
var finishLevel = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Parameter.FinishLevel) ? 5 : int.Parse(Parameter.FinishLevel);
dont you want to add a clause here to say either
where there are no parents (must be the top)
where there are no children (must be the bottom)
Hi Charles,
thanks for you help with the previous one..
I've a new one now...
in the above tree all nodes are of same document type (umbTextpage)
I want to find the rootnode (with same doctype) of current page
I tried
var parent = @Model.AncestorOrSelf("umbTextpage");
but that only returns the self page, so i tried
Model.Ansestors("umbTextpage"); and still no use
is there any way I can find the top level ancestor with "umbTextpage" doctype
Does XPath work in this case, if it works then HOW?
is working on a reply...