I need a list of children from a specific Doctype and i am thinking that i can use a "if" statement to solve the problem. But i have not been able to make it work. Is it wrong to use a "if" statement like this one below:
if (page.NodeTypeAlias == "referencesRoot")
If it is the way to do it where in the code below should i put this "if" statement to make it work proberly?
@{ @*Get the root of the website *@ var root = Model.AncestorOrSelf(3); } @foreach (var group in Model.Children.InGroupsOf(4)) { <div class="row"> @foreach (var page in group) { <div class="span3"> <div class="service-overview"> <h5><span class="link-white"><a href="@page.Url">@page.headerMain</a></span></h5> <p>@(Library.Truncate(Library.StripHtml(page.mainText), 60, true))</p> <img src="@page.image" alt="" /> <div class="service-overview-overlay">+</div> </div><!-- end .service-overview --> </div><!-- end .span3 --> } </div><!-- end .row --> <br /> }
@{ <ul> @foreach(dynamic n in Model.AncestorOrSelf(1).Descendants("referencesRoot").Where("!umbracoNaviHide")){ <li><a hrfe="@n.Url">@n.Name</a> // Here you should get the folder name "Arbejdsomrader" @if(n.Count()>0){ // Mmake some test to see if any children "Forside" <ul> @foreach(var page in n.Children.Where("Visible")){ <li>@page.Name</li> } </ul> } </li> </ul> }
Show children from a specific Doctype
I need a list of children from a specific Doctype and i am thinking that i can use a "if" statement to solve the problem. But i have not been able to make it work. Is it wrong to use a "if" statement like this one below:
if (page.NodeTypeAlias == "referencesRoot")
If it is the way to do it where in the code below should i put this "if" statement to make it work proberly?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Rene,
You could either do something like
Hi Fuji,
Could you please try to put it in the code example that I posted, because I am a rookie in Razor. :-)
I have tried to replace:
With your examples but it tells me "Script error".
Thank you!
Yes Could you please explain how you have your content set ?
Of course, here you are:
Hope it helps
Hi Fuji
I did not manage to get it working but i found a new solution which is working for this project. Thank you for your time and help. :-)
See my solution below:
// Get root node:
var root = Model.AncestorOrSelf();
// Get all descendants, filter by type:
var nodes = root.Descendants("ServiceSingleFrontpage");
// Loop through the filtered nodes, displaying the properties:
<div class="row">
@foreach (var page in nodes)
<div class="span3">
<div class="service-overview">
<h5><span class="link-white"><a href="@page.Url">@page.headerMain</a></span></h5>
<p>@(Library.Truncate(Library.StripHtml(page.mainText), 60, true))</p>
<img src="@page.image" alt="" />
</div><!-- end .service-overview -->
</div><!-- end .span3 -->
Hi Rene,
Good you got it workin, just one thing you could do to save some line of code
Hi Fuji
Thank you! Nice to clean up the code.
is working on a reply...