You should use the modulo (%) operator and a counter.
<div class="row"> @for(var i = 0; i<yourList.Count; i++) { <div class="span4 carshow">...</div> if (i % 3 == 2) // i / 3 == [product of 3], i % 3 == rest == 2 after each 3 since base is 0 { </div> <div class="row"> } } </div>
I know that the team behind Umbraco, working on a new version of, where they will focus on Razor. But for now is in beta
I hope these web references can help you learning XSLT and Razor, but if you got any problems, you just have to ask in this forum, and lots of the forums users will love to help you solve the problem you may have.
(Not sure why your reply isn't here yet, but here's an answer to the ordering problem. :) )
You can chain linq extension methods, so you can order, then group. (And order again if you want)
var groups = Library.NodeById(Model.homepagecontentfolder).Children.OrderBy("date desc").InGroupsOf(3) foreach(var group in groups) { //... foreach(var item in group.OrderBy(".. if you want")) { } }
Start new div tag after 3 items
Is there any razor script example (cshtml) how i can do this?
<div class="row">
<div class="span4 carshow">
<img src="images/engines.jpg" alt="Auto Show - Deland, FL" />
<h2>Deland, FL</h2>
<h3>October 20, 2009</h3>
<div class="span4 carshow">
<img src="images/headlights.jpg" alt="Auto Show - Houston, TX" />
<h2>Houston, TX</h2>
<h3>October 12, 2008</h3>
<p>Everything's </p>
<div class="span4 carshow">
<img src="images/hoodornaments.jpg" alt="Auto Show - Carson City, NV" />
<h2>Carson City, NV</h2>
<h3>August 14, 2008</h3>
<p>Enjoy Classic Cars </p>
</div> <!-- row 1 -->
<div class="row">
<div class="span4 carshow">
<img src="images/interiors.jpg" alt="Auto Show - Albuquerque, NM" />
<h2>Albuquerque, NM</h2>
<h3>April 2, 2008</h3>
<p>Don't make a wrong turn.</p>
<div class="span4 carshow">
<img src="images/tires.jpg" alt="Auto Show - Oak Park, IL" />
<h2>Oak Park, IL</h2>
<h3>December 3, 2007</h3>
<div class="span4 carshow">
<img src="images/turnlights.jpg" alt="Auto Show - Clarence, IA" />
<h2>Clarence, IA</h2>
<h3>June 20, 2007</h3>
<p>Come get a </p>
</div><!-- row 2 -->
Hi Yadwinder,
Can you post the code you are using to loop through your collection? Also are you using a Razor macro (webforms) or a Mvc View/Partial View?
Hi Jeavon,
Thanks for reply.
I am a idon't have much knowledge about razor.
I use the following code using Razor macro.
<div class="row">
if (Model.HasValue("homepagecontentfolder"))
var content = Library.NodeById(Model.homepagecontentfolder);
for(var i=0;i>3;i++)
<div class="row"></div>
foreach (var items in @content.Children)
<div class="span4 carshow">
<img src='@items.Media("image", "umbracoFile")' />
You should use the modulo (%) operator and a counter.
I would recommend the use of the InGroupsOf collection method, e.g:
@Jaevon - nice extension. :) Didn't know about that one.
Another tip to @Yadwinder:
It's generally a better approach to use floating divs and a css "clearfix" rather than nesting divs. (google it)
Like so:
<div class="span4 carshow">...</div> (x 3)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="span4 carshow">...</div> (x 3)
<div class="clearfix"></div>
Here's a nice tutorial:
Hey Jeavon,
Thanks for reply again.
but it's not working for me
Ah, I see I missed the Children collection, try:
oh! Thanks a lot.
it works for me.
please give me any web reference from where i learn Razor and Xslt.
Thanks again.
Hi Yadwinder,
I will try to give some web reference where you can learn XSLT and Razor from.
Razor: ;
XSLT: this is a good visual view when you are working with axis in Umbraco
I know that the team behind Umbraco, working on a new version of, where they will focus on Razor. But for now is in beta
I hope these web references can help you learning XSLT and Razor, but if you got any problems, you just have to ask in this forum, and lots of the forums users will love to help you solve the problem you may have.
Hey jeavon,
Is there any another method to do this without grouping items.
You could use the method posted by Lars-Erik but why would you not want to group?
Thanks a lot again for reply.
I find the solution.
I prefer this one, because i want to sort the items date wise.
and in grouping items are sorted within groups.
<div class="row">
if (Model.HasValue("homepagecontentfolder"))
var content = Library.NodeById(Model.homepagecontentfolder);
var i=0;
foreach (var items in @content.Children.OrderBy("date desc"))
if (i % 3 == 0)
@Html.Raw("</div><div class=\"row\">")
<div class="span4 carshow">
<img src='@items.Media("image", "umbracoFile")' />
(Not sure why your reply isn't here yet, but here's an answer to the ordering problem. :) )
You can chain linq extension methods, so you can order, then group. (And order again if you want)
is working on a reply...