Our client is looking for a fully faceted search facility which allows both text search and filters on core data such as true/false and numberical values. e.g. "hasCarParking" (t/f) or "maxMeetingCapacity" (numeric). XFS Search package seems to be exaclty what we're looking for.
First of all there seems to be very few examples of how to create facets with the XFS Search package (http://www.xfssearch.com/). I was wondering if anyone else has any experience with this package and if anyone has any examples of how we could create facets for:
boolean values such as a True/False field "hasCarParking"
numeric values such as ability to enter a number to search against ie "Maximum meeting capacity -> enter [200] and only pages where "maxMeetingCapacity" >= 200 are displayed.
XFS Search Facets
Hi community,
Our client is looking for a fully faceted search facility which allows both text search and filters on core data such as true/false and numberical values. e.g. "hasCarParking" (t/f) or "maxMeetingCapacity" (numeric). XFS Search package seems to be exaclty what we're looking for.
First of all there seems to be very few examples of how to create facets with the XFS Search package (http://www.xfssearch.com/). I was wondering if anyone else has any experience with this package and if anyone has any examples of how we could create facets for:
Hi Adam,
how is your seatch engine going with xfs?
Hi Adam,
how is your seatch engine going with xfs?
is working on a reply...