Before the days of MVC controllers and model-binding, you can use old-school approach of directly accessing Request.Form. (Note, be sure to add a name attribute to your select boxes and inputs, not just an ID!)
var sLand = Request.Form["combobox"];
Be sure to check against empty-strings and nulls, etc., and never forget proper sanitation/validation before using this value. If you are using MVC approach, you would want to look into how to do "model-binding" in your controller. (But still be sure to add the name attribute to all of your form elements!)
@{ var schules = Model.Descendants("School").Where(" !!! I don't know how to write it correctly: .Land == filter model .Land && .Preis < filtermodel.MaxPreis - anyway I have more parameters to filter through").OrderBy("sName"); }
<ul> @foreach (var school in @schules) { <li><a> @school.sName </a> </li> } </ul>
How to bind there the filter model Data:
@{ var schules = Model.Descendants("School").Where(" ...... ?
And how to get the skList macro (or I can make it partialview) to be reloaded/renewed when I press "Find"
Getting values from <input> tags
Dear Sirs,
probably my question has nothing to do with Umbraco directly, but anyway..
I ve got the following inputs:
<select id="combobox">
<option value="">Select one...</option>
<option value="Thüringen">Thüringen</option>
<option value="Hessen">Hessen</option>
<label for="tags">Tag a City</label>
<input id="tags" size="50" />
<label for="from">Begin</label>
<input type="text" id="from" name="from" style="width:70px" />
<label for="to">End</label>
<input type="text" id="to" name="to" style="width:70px" />
<label for="amount">Price range:</label>
<input type="text" id="amount" style="border: 0; color: #f6931f; font-weight: bold;" />
<div id="slider-range"></div>
<input type="checkbox" id="check" /><label for="check">Intensiv</label>
<input type="submit" value="KLICK" class="submit"/>
How do I get my variables take the values selected in those <input> tags?
Smth like
var sLand = value from the <select id="combobox">
The aim is that I can later filter my nodes depending on the values of these variables.
Hi, assuming you are using Mvc I would recommended you take a look at the documentation about how to use forms here
I would also recommend that you watch the Surface Controller chapter on (€19 per month)
Do you have jquery on page ?
Before the days of MVC controllers and model-binding, you can use old-school approach of directly accessing Request.Form. (Note, be sure to add a
attribute to your select boxes and inputs, not just an ID!)Be sure to check against empty-strings and nulls, etc., and never forget proper sanitation/validation before using this value. If you are using MVC approach, you would want to look into how to do "model-binding" in your controller. (But still be sure to add the name attribute to all of your form elements!)
Best of luck to you!
I tried to go further and steped through the video serie Surface Controller (thanks Leopold).
So it works but I need some more on the knowledge.
The idea is:
On the left side of my page are some inputs of parameters and the "search" button.
On the right side there is the list of children nodes of current page, filtered through those parameters.
So each time I press "search" button - the list schould be renewed.
<div id="mainContent" class="fc">
<div class="navigation" style="width:200px; height:90%; float:left;">
@Html.Partial("KursSearch", new Koiak.StandardWebsite.ContactFormModel()) </div>
<div style="height:500px; float:left;">
@Umbraco.RenderMacro("SKList") </div>
<div style ="height:90%">
The "KursSearch" PartialView calls the following action:
@Html.Action("Filter", "SchoolListSurface")
The SchoolListSurfaceController has the following actions:
public class SchoolListSurfaceController : SurfaceController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Filter()
return PartialView("SchoolFilterView", new SchoolList());
public ActionResult Search(SchoolList model)
string theLand = model.Land;
string theCity = model.City;
DateTime theBegin = model.Begin;
DateTime theEnd = model.End;
int theMaxPreis = model.MaxPrice;
return PartialView("SchoolListView", model);
In the "SchoolFilterView" PartialView I collect the filter model:
@model sprach.Models.SchoolList
@using (Html.BeginUmbracoForm<sprach.Controllers.SchoolListSurfaceController>("Search")) {
<fieldset> <legend>SchoolList</legend>
<div class="editor-label"> @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Land) </div>
<div class="editor-field"> @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Land, new { @class="span3", placeholder ="Land", name="Land" })
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Land)
<input type="submit" value="Filter" />
The "SchoolListView" PartialView should actually show the filtered list , smth Like.
The skList Macro shows following
@using umbraco.BusinessLogic;
@using umbraco.MacroEngines;
@inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNode
@inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext
@{ var schules = Model.Descendants("School").Where(" !!! I don't know how to write it correctly: .Land == filter model .Land && .Preis < filtermodel.MaxPreis - anyway I have more parameters to filter through").OrderBy("sName"); }
<ul> @foreach (var school in @schules) {
<li><a> @school.sName </a> </li> }
How to bind there the filter model Data:
@{ var schules = Model.Descendants("School").Where(" ...... ?
And how to get the skList macro (or I can make it partialview) to be reloaded/renewed when I press "Find"
is working on a reply...