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  • Carlos 338 posts 472 karma points
    Nov 20, 2013 @ 20:08

    Creating 2 lists and then determining which to choose

    I have a tree structure that uses 2 different types of "Detail Page" nodes.  One has dates and one has non-date "Detail Page" nodes.  I need to determine which list to show depending on if the children have the date property or not of the parent node that has the doctype of 'ListParent'.

    I am able to create a list of the nodes, BUT I need to determine which list to show.

    This is what I ultimate want:

    Parent Node 1 (Doctype of 'ListParent')
     - Node One (non date)
     - Node Two(non date)
     - Node Three(non date)

    Parent Node 2 (Doctype of 'ListParent')
     - Node One (date)
     - Node Two(date)
     - Node Three(date)

    I am REALLY close with my code but I just need a little help determining which to show.  This is what I have so far below. I just need the IF statement to determine which list to show.

    Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

    @using umbraco.MacroEngines
    @inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext
        if(@Model.Descendants().NodeTypeAlias == "DMNSEvent"){@*Not Working*@
                <P>not sorted</P>
    @helper pageListing(){  
      foreach(var item in @Model.Children.Where("!hideFromAllMenus")){
         var listImage = Library.MediaById(item.landingPageImage);
        <div class="boxItem grid_4">
                <a href="@item.Url">
                <img src="/imagegen.ashx?width=224&[email protected]" style="margin-left:-60px" />
                <div class="boxButtons"></div>
                     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.buyNowLink))
                       <a href="@item.buyNowLink" class="buyNowBtn" title="Buy tickets to @item.Name"  onclick="pageTracker._link('@item.buyNowLink'); return false;">Buy Now</a>
                    <a href="@item.Url" class="learnMoreBtn">Learn More</a>
                    @if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.altPageTitle))
                       <a href="@item.Url"> @item.altPageTitle</a>
                       <a href="@item.Url"> @item.Name</a>
    @helper pageListingSorted(){
        foreach(var item in @Model.Children.Where("!hideFromAllMenus").Where("calendarEventDateTime != null").OrderBy("calendarEventDateTime")){
         var listImage = Library.MediaById(item.landingPageImage);
            <div class="boxItem grid_4">
                <a href="@item.Url">
                    @*--Added margin negative left for original images - Take out on Live--*@
                <img src="/imagegen.ashx?width=224&[email protected]" style="margin-left:-60px" />
                <div class="boxButtons"></div>
                     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.buyNowLink))
                       <a href="@item.buyNowLink" class="buyNowBtn" title="Buy tickets to @item.Name"  onclick="pageTracker._link('@item.buyNowLink'); return false;">Buy Now</a>
                    <a href="@item.Url" class="learnMoreBtn">Learn More</a>
                    @if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.altPageTitle))
                       <a href="@item.Url"> @item.altPageTitle</a>
                       <a href="@item.Url"> @item.Name</a>
                 @*Event Status*@
                @if (item.soldOut)
                    <p class="statusAlert">Sold Out</p>
                else if (item.cancelled)
                    <p class="statusAlert">Cancelled</p>
                else if (item.rescheduled)
                 <p class="statusAlert">Rescheduled</p>
                 @if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.eventTimeHeader))
                    <div class="dateTimeHeader">@item.eventTimeHeader</div>
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