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  • Steve 472 posts 1216 karma points
    Apr 21, 2014 @ 20:55

    If Statement with Multiple Conditions?

    I have a razor that is building a dynamic navigation and I need it to only build the nested <ul> if two conditions are met. The script worked fine without the test for Children.Where("Visible"). When I was using Children.Any() it worked,but it would create an empty <ul> if there was a child node hidden from navigation. Here is my razor:

    var page = Model.AncestorOrSelf(3).Children.Where("Visible");
    @foreach (var subPage in page) {
        @*  var noLink = subPage.HasValue("noLinkNav") ? "class=noLink" : ""; if you want to style the external link to not display in the navigation for noLinkNav property *@
          var style = subPage.IsDescendantOrSelf(Model) ? "class=active" : "";
          var targetParent = subPage.externalUrl ? "target=_blank" : "";
          var linkParent = subPage.HasValue("externalUrl") ? subPage.url : subPage.Url;
        <li @style><a href="@linkParent" @targetParent>@subPage.Name</a>
    @if(subPage.Children.Any() && subPage.IsAncestorOrSelf(Model)){ 
        <ul class="academics-items">
            @foreach (var item in subPage.Children.Where("Visible")) {
                var childActive = item.IsEqual(Model) ? "class=activeChild" : "";
                var target = item.externalUrl ? "target=_blank" : "";
                var link = item.HasValue("externalUrl") ? item.url : item.Url;
                <li @childActive ><a href="@link" @target>@item.Name</a>
    @if(item.Children.Any() && item.IsAncestorOrSelf(Model)){ 
        <ul class="academics-items">
            @foreach (var child in item.Children.Where("Visible")) {
                var subChildActive = child.IsEqual(Model) ? "class=subActive" : "";
                var subTarget = child.externalUrl ? "target=_blank" : "";
                var subLink = child.HasValue("externalUrl") ? child.url : child.Url;
                <li @subChildActive ><a href="@subLink" @subTarget>@child.Name</a>
    @if(child.Children.Any() && child.IsAncestorOrSelf(Model)){ 
        <ul class="academics-items">
            @foreach (var lastChild in child.Children.Where("Visible")) {
                var lastChildActive = lastChild.IsEqual(Model) ? "class=lastActive" : "";
                var lastChildTarget = lastChild.externalUrl ? "target=_blank" : "";
                var lastChildLink = lastChild.HasValue("externalUrl") ? lastChild.url : lastChild.Url;
                <li @lastChildActive ><a href="@lastChildLink" @lastChildTarget>@lastChild.Name</a></li>
  • Steve 472 posts 1216 karma points
    Apr 21, 2014 @ 21:28

    Okay, I've gotten it working correctly, but could someone please tell me why I had to add the ".Count() > 0" in my if statement to get it working?

    @if(subPage.Children.Where("Visible").Count() > 0 && subPage.IsAncestorOrSelf(Model)){ 

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