I'm battling a rather irritating problem. We're posting some html through a form, but the handling of that form returns "potentially dangerous request" since it contains markup.
I have tried to disable request validation in the web.config without any effect.
I've tried the following line in the razor-script that renders the piece of xslt that actually handles the post.
Disable request validation
Hi Guys
I'm battling a rather irritating problem. We're posting some html through a form, but the handling of that form returns "potentially dangerous request" since it contains markup.
I have tried to disable request validation in the web.config without any effect.
I've tried the following line in the razor-script that renders the piece of xslt that actually handles the post.
That results in an error; Cannot cast 'Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoMvcHandler' to type 'umbraco.UmbracoDefault'.
I've tried doing it with a bit of c# in my actionhandler.xslt that handles the post:
I've looked at this post here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:oBdv2c0PCuIJ:eitherxor.retox-1.titaninternet.co.uk/blog/disabling-request-validation-in-umbraco/+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
I can't seem to get it turned off so that I can get my hands on the postet markup.
Any hints and help is greatly appreciated!
I should propably add that I'm using Umbraco 6.1.6
Hi Niels
Have you tried if this works on 6.1.6 http://www.proworks.com/blog/2013/11/10/disabling-request-validation-in-umbraco-cms/ ?
EDIT: Or how about this? http://our.umbraco.org/forum/developers/api-questions/5533-setting-ValidateRequest-in-umbraco#comment21291
Tried the first one with no luck.. But maybe there's something I'm not sseing.
Tried the second one in different variations in the .cshtml file rendering the xslt-actionhandler. But that results in
Cannot convert type 'System.Dynamic.DynamicObject' to 'umbraco.UmbracoDefault'
is working on a reply...