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  • Johan 95 posts 264 karma points
    Nov 23, 2015 @ 08:53

    URL pathway is wrong

    I'm working on a project were I want to add top links to the masterPage and each top-link to have its own navigation like this: enter image description here

    What I did was to include the top-links directly under the Content enter image description here

    The problem with this however, is that the URL pathway is wrong when selecting a menu under non-HomePage link

    For example if I select For skolpersonal as a top-link and then select a menu and then a submenu, the URL pathway would be: menu/submenu What I want it to be is: for-skolpersonal/menu/submenu For some reason the URL "resets" every time I select a menu under a top-link.


            <div class="row col-md-12">
                <nav class="entry-links">
                        <li id="elever">
                            <a href="~/" title="För elever">För elever</a>
                        <li id="skolpersonal">
                            <a href="/for-skolpersonal/" title="För skolpersonal">För skolpersonal</a>
                        <li id="ungdom">
                            <a href="/ungdom-och-elevdatabas/" title="Ungdom och elevdatabas">Ungdom och elevdatabas</a>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-12 col-md-4">
                    <a href="@home.Url">
                        <div class="brand" style="background-image:url('@(home.SiteLogo)?height=100&width=700&')"></div>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-12 main-nav">
                    <nav id="cbp-hrmenu" class="meny cbp-hrmenu col-md-10 col-md-offset-1">
                        @{ Html.RenderPartial("MainNavigation"); }
                <br />
                <br />
            <div class="container-fluid">
                <div class="container">
            <div id="toggle" class="toggle">
                <a href="#" class="cross"><span></span></a>


    @inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage
    @{ var home = CurrentPage.Site(); }
    @if (home.Children.Any())
        @* Get the first page in the children *@
        var naviLevel = home.Children.First().Level;
        @* Add in level for a CSS hook *@
        <div class="linje"></div>
        <ul class="meny level-@naviLevel">
            @* For each child page under the home node *@
            @foreach (var childPage in home.Children)
        if (childPage.Children.Any())
            <li class="dropdown has-child @(childPage.IsAncestorOrSelf(CurrentPage) ? "selected" : null)">
                @if (childPage.DocumentTypeAlias == "Huvudmeny")
                    <a href="@childPage.Url" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">@childPage.Name</a>
                @helper childPages(dynamic pages)
                @* Ensure that we have a collection of pages *@
        if (pages.Any())
            @* Get the first page in pages and get the level *@
            var naviLevel = pages.First().Level;
            @* Add in level for a CSS hook *@
        <ul class="meny dropdown-menu sublevel level-@(naviLevel)">
            @foreach (var page in pages)
                    <a href="@page.Url">@page.Name</a>
                    @* if the current page has any children *@
                    @if (page.Children.Any())
                        @* Call our helper to display the children *@
                  <li class="@(childPage.IsAncestorOrSelf(CurrentPage) ? "selected" : null)">
                      <a href="@childPage.Url">@childPage.Name</a>
           <div class="linje col-md-12" ></div>
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