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  • bayshield 50 posts 65 karma points
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 16:20

    List documents grouped by first letter

    I  have around 300 documents in my content tree which I would like to group by first letter i.e.


    Adams, Alister


    Barry, Barnes,Belfry


    Chad, Chester


    I have  written some xslt which takes a letter as a parameter and will output the docs for that letter, however I need to call it 26 times (once for each letter) which doesn't sit well with me!

    Are there any XSLT gurus out there who can shed some light on a best practice way of doing this?

  • Thomas Höhler 1237 posts 1709 karma points MVP
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 16:38
    Thomas Höhler

    There are some grouping samples and threads available, see

    Or take a look into the grouping example here:

    hth, Thomas


  • Sean Mooney 131 posts 158 karma points c-trib
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 16:40
    Sean Mooney

    Here is an example I use for a glossary listing

    <xsl:for-each select="$currentPage/node">
    <xsl:sort select="@nodeName" />
        <xsl:variable name="Init" select="substring(./@nodeName,1,1)"/>
        <xsl:if test="not(preceding-sibling::*[substring(./@nodeName,1,1)=$Init])">
            <div id="{$Init}" class="terms">
                <h3><xsl:value-of select="$Init"/></h3>
                <xsl:for-each select="../node[substring(./@nodeName,1,1)=$Init]">
                    <dt id="{@urlName}"><xsl:value-of select="@nodeName"/></dt>
                    <dd><xsl:value-of select="./data [@alias='definition']" disable-output-escaping="yes" /></dd>
                <a href="javascript:window.scrollTo(0,0)">Back to top</a>

    It basically takes the first letter of the node name and uses that to find all siblings that start with the same

  • dandrayne 1138 posts 2262 karma points
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 17:01

    You could also organise the docs in "alphabet folders" in the backend for the benefit of admins using something like, then the xslt becomes very simple as a side-result

  • Chriztian Steinmeier 2800 posts 8791 karma points MVP 8x admin c-trib
    Jul 20, 2010 @ 18:20
    Chriztian Steinmeier

    Hi bayshield,

    If you already have the code for finding and writing, then you can use this setup to do the alphabet-walk:

       <xsl:variable name="letters" select="'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'" />
        <xsl:template match="/">
                <xsl:call-template name="writeIndex" />
        <xsl:template name="writeIndex">
            <xsl:param name="index" select="1" />
            <xsl:call-template name="writeNodesForLetter">
                <xsl:with-param name="letter" select="substring($letters, $index, 1)" />
            <xsl:if test="not($index = string-length($letters))">
                <xsl:call-template name="writeIndex">
                    <xsl:with-param name="index" select="$index + 1" />
        <!-- Template for nodes replace with own code -->
        <xsl:template name="writeNodesForLetter">
            <xsl:param name="letter" />
                <xsl:value-of select="$letter" />


  • bayshield 50 posts 65 karma points
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 11:46

    Thanks for the input guys!  Sean's XSLT worked a treat!

  • David 17 posts 40 karma points
    Sep 06, 2010 @ 13:17

    Hey just thought I'd add a little appreciation for Seans code too. Just adapted it for a similar purpose (although I'm using all tags in a group as my list source) and it works a treat. Wicked! Thanks.


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