I'm working on creating an events calendar. I have a start date and end date for each event. I want to display current months events using xlst. I also would like next and previous buttons. These should handle changing years.
I don't now where to start, can someone help me out?
Hi All,
I'm working on creating an events calendar. I have a start date and end date for each event. I want to display current months events using xlst. I also would like next and previous buttons. These should handle changing years.
I don't now where to start, can someone help me out?
Do you need something like this http://calendar.dijksterhuis.nu/Demo.aspx/ulli.aspx ?
I saw this package. I dont want to display all days. Just a list of events. Does it work with xslt? Maybe i can use and modify it.
Hi Bas,
The XSLT that Peter wrote is just an example. You can modify it in any way you like. I would try the package.
I always use Linq for this in combination with the ASP.NET Calendar Control. You can see it in action here: http://vvvarnhemnijmegen.nl/evenementen
Thanks for the reply's. It is very usefull!
I managed to make it work now. http://our.umbraco.org/projects/website-utilities/pdcalendar/pdcalendar/11377-List-items?p=0#comment41907
I have tried finding a eventcalander to work with datefolders... is there one out there?
is working on a reply...