I would say that this should work, so what is the value of NavSource does it actually match any of your document type aliases or document type property aliases?
You need to go up the ancestor tree to find all the nodes that are document types that have the isDoc attribute on the xml node, then for each of them we look at the child nodes of that document type (xml node) which is where the document type properties are stored so we look through them to match the name in the variable NavSource
New schema issue
I am having an issue trying to get value of property in new schema,
the oldway the query would be $currentPage/ancestor-or-self::node/data[@alias=$NavSource]
I am trying the following
and tried
no joy
Any ideas?
I would say that this should work, so what is the value of NavSource does it actually match any of your document type aliases or document type property aliases?
I think Warren is right....
Maybe debug it with VS or otherwise in code with <xsl-copy-of select"$NavSource" />
looks like when using ancestor-or-self im missing something?
OK after a quick chat with Ismail on MSN this is the solution that he needed
You need to go up the ancestor tree to find all the nodes that are document types that have the isDoc attribute on the xml node, then for each of them we look at the child nodes of that document type (xml node) which is where the document type properties are stored so we look through them to match the name in the variable NavSource
Warren :)
is working on a reply...