To my knowledge you can't render a user control in xslt. You could bring the script to output the exact line as above, yet that wouldn't help as the stage where this control would be rendered by ASP.Net is already gone. You can place this line in your template though, that should work without problems.
An alternative way, if you absolutely have to do it this way around, would be to write an xslt extension that basically generates the html output of the control and returns it as a string, then you could output it on the page like this:
user control rendering in Xslt?
I have a control which brings user's location.
<cc:SpotlightBlock id="Spotlight" SuppressWrapperTags="true" runat="server/>
Is there anyway that I can render this control in xslt?????
Hi ramu,
To my knowledge you can't render a user control in xslt. You could bring the script to output the exact line as above, yet that wouldn't help as the stage where this control would be rendered by ASP.Net is already gone. You can place this line in your template though, that should work without problems.
An alternative way, if you absolutely have to do it this way around, would be to write an xslt extension that basically generates the html output of the control and returns it as a string, then you could output it on the page like this:
Hope that makes some sense,
is working on a reply...