That doesn't help with the timezone, as using the "r" format will just print out GMT. Apparently there is no way to set the timezone to use in Umbraco, which is quite strange for a CMS. That would be all well and good if the times saved were in GMT but they are saved in local time (server time).
RSS Timezone
In my RSS xslt i get the time out in this format.
Sun, 24 Oct 2010 11:30:00 GMT
How do i convert this string to local time?
Sun, 24 Oct 2010 11:30:00 +01:00:00 for Denmark?
Best regards
Christian Kragh
For your, or anybody elses reference, you can use "r" to output a date format that validates according to the official RSS requirements:
<pubDate><xsl:value-of select="umbraco.library:FormatDateTime($currentPage/@createDate,'r')"/></pubDate>
That doesn't help with the timezone, as using the "r" format will just print out GMT. Apparently there is no way to set the timezone to use in Umbraco, which is quite strange for a CMS. That would be all well and good if the times saved were in GMT but they are saved in local time (server time).
Umbraco should really get a fix for this.
Your right, I meant to post this in another thread! Still might be helpful for some :)
is working on a reply...