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  • Probocop 51 posts 71 karma points
    Jan 18, 2011 @ 11:27

    Listing all content that contains a specified 'tag'?

    Hi, On the site I'm developling, I have a series of pages where the user can specify a Tag, and the page will display a list of content that contains that Tag. But I haven't managed to get the page displaying anything. Can anybody see anything wrong with the following XSLT?

    The list of items can be narrowed further by clicking a tag which is displayed on the page.

    'contentTags' is a field on all document types for entering the tags.

    'tagToDisplay' is the field on the current document type for specifying the tag in which to display the content for.

      <xsl:variable name="articles">
          <xsl:when test="umbraco.library:Request('tag')">
            <xsl:copy-of select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::* [@isDoc and string(umbracoNaviHide) != '1' and contains(contentTags,umbraco.library:Request('tag'))]" />
            <xsl:copy-of select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::* [@isDoc and string(umbracoNaviHide) != '1' and contains(contentTags,$currentPage/tagToDisplay)]" />
    <xsl:for-each select="msxml:node-set($articles)/* [@isDoc]">
      Show the page heading

    My content tree is as follows, and its the pages within the Policy section that I'm trying to list the content on.



  • Chriztian Steinmeier 2800 posts 8791 karma points MVP 8x admin c-trib
    Jan 18, 2011 @ 13:43
    Chriztian Steinmeier

    Hi Dave,

    You're only querying the ancestor axis for nodes, try to set a homePage variable once, and select pages from its descendant axis in stead - something like this:

    <xsl:variable name="siteRoot" select="$currentPage/ancestor-or-self::*[@level = 1]" />
    <xsl:variable name="tag" select="umbraco.library:Request('tag')" />
    <xsl:variable name="articles">
            <xsl:when test="$tag">
                <xsl:copy-of select="$siteRoot//*[@isDoc][not(umbracoNaviHide = 1)][contains(contentTags, $tag)]" />
                <xsl:copy-of select="$siteRoot//*[@isDoc][not(umbracoNaviHide = 1)][contains(contentTags, $currentPage/tagToDisplay)]" />


  • Probocop 51 posts 71 karma points
    Jan 18, 2011 @ 13:50

    Hi Chriztian

    That makes perfect sense, that you very much!


  • bob baty-barr 1180 posts 1294 karma points MVP
    Jun 07, 2011 @ 22:19
    bob baty-barr

    what if tag is a comma separated list of tags?? how would that work in this scenario? i am assuming split and a loop with a call to a template??

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