im using the Jcarousel to display images with text on my startpage. Since I dont want the jcarouselItems to be in the same level as my normal textpages I created a new doctype called "Rullande_bilder" which is a container for all the items.
Now I want to change the xsl to get the Items in that doctype:
Path to Itemlist
im using the Jcarousel to display images with text on my startpage. Since I dont want the jcarouselItems to be in the same level as my normal textpages I created a new doctype called "Rullande_bilder" which is a container for all the items.
Now I want to change the xsl to get the Items in that doctype:
Are there someone who is better at xsl than me that can take a look..?
I know there is a xpath-error in there.
is working on a reply...